How to wreck your business! 1. Dont plug into anything! If you - TopicsExpress


How to wreck your business! 1. Dont plug into anything! If you are looking to stay exactly where you are at, seriously dont plug into calls, events, or your team. By doing those things you will grow your business, so make sure you stay isolated and far away from anything It Works! related. By plugging into things you will grow as a person and as a leader and actually start to accomplish your goals you came into #ItWorks with. So please do your self a favor and isolate! Isolation is key to wrecking your business! 2. Dont talk about your business! Trust me, I mean TRUST me. Whatever you do dont talk about your business, be too scared to post about it on any social media stream. You will want to make sure no one knows what you are doing. We dont want people knowing anything about what you are doing. And make sure you never wear It Works! Gear and save your money actually. Dont even purchase it! You would stand out too much and draw unwanted attention and people asking you questions about your business!! We cant have that!! Save your money on blitz cards too! You dont need them because those are only for people looking to succeed. . 3. Dont use your products, I mean ever. If you are currently using face wash that isnt it works, keep using that grocery store brand. Vitamins, moisturizers, protein bars or powder. Never use It Works! products. Youre already buying them elsewhere so make sure you continue doing that. It would be silly for you to use a product that you sell. Seriously please dont use the products, I dont want you falling in love with them because then you might end up talking about your business and that is just a terrible idea! My goal here is to make sure you are wrecking your business. 4. Dont do personal development. We need to make sure that you arent growing as a person or getting wisdom and knowledge from anywhere. We want to ensure that nothing changes for you. We encourage only connecting with the people in your life that gave up on their goals or are broke and living paycheck to paycheck, only get advice from those people. If you start reading you might go get all inspired on us now and change your life, we cant have that happening! 5. Live in fear all of the time. Dont let anything go, be afraid of everything and everyone. Because you know what happens when we open our mouth, people might disagree with us or even tell us no. And the studies show how deadly that is, so we need to keep you alive, living in fear of everything. Definitely dont take risks and continue to live your life exactly where it is and make sure you dont set any goals. Goals require to much risk, be afraid of them. I want you to take an honest look at your business? Are you self destructing your business?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:38:00 +0000

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