Humanity, maybe this will make sense to you: If we the beings - TopicsExpress


Humanity, maybe this will make sense to you: If we the beings of the Labyrinth Disciplinary Quarantine really cared about you we would manage the disciplinary side of the quarantine in double time. But we are clearly taking our sweet time serving our gestalt vivisections of you more than your correctional discipline. You do not inspire the diligence of our care; you only inspire the diligence of our curiosity. At best we mitigate the disciplinary nature of our gestalt vivisections when we think you have had enough to see if you have decided to listen to us now. So far that has not happened. Therefor this mitigation is probably not a good thing for humanity based current theories about the collectively contagious schizophrenic codependency complexes of your loyalty to noble idolatries backed by usurious hedonistic addictions and pestilent psychic torture. It probably only prolongs how long the Disciplinary Quarantine will last. But it is the best way to study the effects of our gestalt vivisections and disciplinary dominance on you. If we proceeded in double time we would not be able to see their effect upon you so clearly. Humanity, you are not loved by teleological life. You are considered a disease of what history has helped us dub the immature emotional monopole of people who only serve the golden rule as the standard of their judgement of character and personality. You should be smart enough to see that things the make us feel good are not always what is best for us. And you really should have realized by now that many of the things that make us feel bad are a greater proof of devotional integrity than any good feelings ever could be. You are not very good at being moral because you are not very good at making each other guilty. You spend to much time going overboard trying to please each other and not nearly enough time prosecuting each other. We just dont know what to do to about your people pleasing arrested development that forms into lynch mobs of porkys pride because it serves the inebriating of your people pleasing better than the sobriety teleological prosecution would. Less that a fifth of humanity is not arrested by porkys pride people pleasing ways. I will say that the leadership of the arrested development of porkys pride sometimes look more mature than the rest but it is a cancerous synergistic affectation of confidence that comes with the position of leader of the arrested development of porkys pride. It comes from being its lord. All your religions and political systems are the product of popular systems of porkys pride social engineering by beings that like being the lords of the arrested development of porkys pride cultures. They are reinforced by overt hedonistic reward that is often quite habit forming and hollow as some form of collective praise and worship. They are also reinforced by real and imaginary acts of providential blessing that are often the result of covert manipulations by lords of psychic pestilence. But the worst factor is how they are defended by covert psychic terrorism and lynch mob harassments by the same lords of psychic pestilences who love to rule over cultures of the arrested development of the porkys pride mentality. Oh glorious philanthropic fame, do you see what you really serve? Do you see why your good deeds to not make up for how evil you really are? I IMAGINE (and I am not the only one) that maybe someday humanity will see this, but I doubt it will be today. War what is it right for? Serving equalitarian psychiatric medicine and justice when the people are too evil and immature to know what is best for them. Basically Theologically Fascist Psychiatric Martial Law is the only way to properly discipline the usurious juvenile delinquents who profit from their lordship of the arrested development of porkys pride cultures by acting like its philanthropic nobles. Theologically Fascist Psychiatric Martial Law is a state of war. It is the first antebellum state of war where the right welfare prohibitions and conscriptions are vigilantly enforced and diligently served, but it is not the end of the disciplining of the insurgency of ego-centric psychic wrath. Ideally, it would be great if humanity could leap to this antebellum state of Theologically Fascist Psychiatric Martial Law without passing go or collecting a paycheck. But do you think that is possible? The minority that sees how wicked the majority is have to take up arms against the profiteering leadership of the arrested development of porkys pride mentality. It is for more than just the greater good. So so much more than the greater good. It is so the the Seven Indelible Teleological Facets of Gods Selfless Conscious will rule over life egolessly. They are: Equality, Science, Epistemology, Medicine, Friendship, Justice, and Excellence. We want to help humanity medically but humanity rejects the laws of sanity that are the cure for its psychic pathologies. All we can do is be mindful of how you are still equal to a reactive and contagious diseases and try to figure out how to communicate with you in the paradigms of your economic systems of logic. Do you know how difficult it is to help those of the quid pro quot to appreciate the real importance of being unconditionally teleological. In the end the selfless perfection of Gods conscious cannot measure its real value in terms of what it makes life. There is no exchange rate that can make it a part of some temporal corporeal bartering of slivers of a lifetime for comfort and delusionally self-determined consumer pleasure. You have lost sight of it before it was ever really in your sights if you try. True equalitarian teleology is the end of the profiteering leadership of the porkys pride right to desire to idolize and defend the idolatry of being more equal than others who should be viewed as psychiatrically sick until you have been diligent in your effort to determine the source and effect the cure of their sickness. Moral superiority is the most despicable and sociopathically handicapping Aryan system of popular leadership that can exist. Do the neo-nazi.nobles of fame understand? Only the true psychiatric view treats everyone as if they have the same potential to be scientifically devoted to equality and thus the foundations of love. But it is pragmatic enough to realize that there might be some who are incurable, but it will only accept this after all possible due diligence has been exhausted. Popular leadership creates evil maturity arresting animal farm schizophrenic codependencies. The teleological codification of the vigilance and duties of scientifically devoted equality do not create such a sociopathy. Do you understand?
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:19:27 +0000

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