Humans! I am biased! Confirm my suspicions! Tony Moran talked - TopicsExpress


Humans! I am biased! Confirm my suspicions! Tony Moran talked about things last week and Ive been curious ever since. Sometimes all it takes for a character to bee seen as good or evil is whose point of view the story is being told from, either explicitly or implicitly. Which has led me to wonder which of two characters more people would consider the hero. Below Ill post two character sketches and want to hear peoples opinions as to which one seems more like a good guy and why. Character A: A survivor of a massive genocide in which their entire family was killed, this person lives long enough to see a second group of folks to which they belong begin to face persecution similar to that which caused the genocide of his youth. He reacts by attempting to organize his fellow outsiders in order to fight back, having seen from his experience that peaceful negotiation and meeting folks halfway doesnt usually work out for the best for oppressed groups. Character B: A member of the same oppressed group as Character A, this character believes that the group must demonstrate their usefulness and peacefulness to the oppressors by attempting to assimilate to the social structure of their homeland to the best of their abilities. He frequently and deliberately uses extremely manipulative tactics to have his ends met, and seems to have no qualms about depriving folks of their will so long as it serves what he sees to be the greatest possible good.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:07:06 +0000

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