Humans as a species are still murdering each other and have made - TopicsExpress


Humans as a species are still murdering each other and have made no, nothing, zilch, zero progress over thousands of years and science amounts to thousands and thousands of unproven theories. Imperfect humans rely on other imperfect humans to prove theories. Theories are unproven by definition. And theories change all the time. For example The Theory of Evolution evolves constantly and still people take it as fact. For another example, the people who write IQ tests have a huge interest in doing very well on them. So its crap. Humans as a whole are arrogant to believe they know 00000000000000001% of anything. And lastly, let me know when anyone can predict the weather with 100% accuracy for the entire earth for the next ten days and then I might listen to the unproven Theories - unproven - of climate change or global warming. The news isnt news, and consensus isnt fact.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:05:14 +0000

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