I AM GOING HOME TO SEE MY MOTHER, I AM GOING HOME TO RECONNECT WITH MY SOUL. I AM GOING HOME TO HEAL MY WOUNDS. I HOLD TO NOT GO EXTREMELY DEFENSIVE IN A PLACE THAT OFFENDING IS CHEAP. A PLACE THAT ACTING ANIMAL INSTINCT IS BETTER THAN WISDOM. A PLACE THAT REALITY AND KNOWLEDGE ARE THREAT. A PLACE THAT THE NEXT GENERATION HAS BEEN BETRAYED AND TOXICATED. a place that morality is vanishing and mediocrity and idiocracie is taking over in learning process. creating a kingdom with no kings some kings with no kingdom here come the doom were you are free to be dom without morality:Some do not think that morality exists. Others have chosen a life of sensual beauty instead of morality: aesthetics over ethics. Still others despise morality, seeing it as an impediment to their own domination of others. The term “morality” can be used either descriptively to refer to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or, some other group, such as a religion, or accepted by an individual for her own behavior or normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons. What “morality” is taken to refer to plays a crucial, although often unacknowledged, role in formulating ethical theories. To take “morality” to refer to an actually existing code of conduct put forward by a society results in a denial that there is a universal morality, one that applies to all human beings. This descriptive use of “morality”is the one used by anthropologists when they report on the morality of the societies that they study. Recently, some comparative and evolutionary psychologists (Haidt, Hauser, De Waal) have taken morality, or a close anticipation of it, to be present among groups of non-human animals, primarily other primates but not limited to them. “Morality” has also been taken to refer to any code of conduct that a person or group takes as most important.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:51:53 +0000

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