I AM SO SO SO SO SICK OF THIS CRAP IN FERGUSON!!! I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!! This group marching is of no use to the human race as far as I am concerned. Part of me wishes I was there, and any of them tried to loot my home with me in it. They would leave THOROUGHLY VENTILATED and ID’ing them would be one hell of a task I promise you. Led by alleged “Men of God,” the “Reverends” Al ‘RACE’ Sharpton and Jessie ‘BAIT’ Jackson are encouraging a total LYNCH MOB MENTALITY. There are AT LEAST TWO, maybe THREE investigations going on into the incident. ANYTHING suggesting the arrest of Darren Wilson is akin to me saying everyone out there with black skin is a food stamp collecting, uneducated, rapper wanna-be, lowlife, drug addict heathen that probably has 12 kids with 8 different people. IN OTHER WORDS: UNFOUNDED, UNINFORMED, RACIST, AND IGNORANT CLAIMS! I keep hearing everyone say the same thing: “THEY WANT JUSTICE.” NEWSFLASH: “JUSTICE” is an investigation. In THIS case there are several investigations. Then, the officer has a RIGHT to DUE PROCESS that ANY and EVERY American is afforded under the Constitution. These people marching DO NOT want Justice. They want a lynching, without all the facts, based on skin colors only. As far as I’m concerned, this country has NO NEED for that type of uninformed RACIST JACKASS roaming the streets. If they are looting, I hope they are shot on sight. I’ll be the FIRST one to say, pending the outcome of the investigations, if Officer Wilson is guilty, throw the book at him. If that includes life, or the death penalty so be it… but there HAS TO BE DUE PROCESS. Every person out there chanting “Justice” is a RACIST criminal. Threatening to continue unlawful behavior unless they get their way? I don’t think so. READ ON….
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:13:37 +0000

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