I FAILED MY JOB INTERVIEW. I wanted this job with all my heart. - TopicsExpress


I FAILED MY JOB INTERVIEW. I wanted this job with all my heart. He said I would first need to pass the job interview, including a written part, about 35 pages, and so I did that part, and the “jury” is still out on it… but I failed the oral interview, failed it big time, over and over again. It went like this, after the written part of the interview (which I thought went pretty well, but what do I know), we moved on to the oral part, but before we could even get started, a waterline broke in my Winnebago home and to fix it I first needed to remove the built-in-refrigerator and part of the wood cabinetry, and there was no time. So I said, “Oh I get it! I’m not going to have running water for this job anyway, so why not start now! God, you’re such a genius!” INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry, not hiring any smart-asses today. So it was time for interview #2, but before we could start, I needed to make some minor improvements to my wagon which I kept in a shed under a tarp, but when I lifted the tarp and saw the wagon had totally rotted due to a combination of high heat (last summer) and a seeping-cooler-water (the seeping water got absorbed by the floor boards, but remained hidden by paint), and major repair work was required, so I yelled out, #%^$&%! INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry, not hiring anyone who takes the Lord’s name in vain. After failing interview #2, I was worried, so I started praying for patients, like praying for it every day because I was walking around ticked off, without running water, and feeling like I had more work than I could handle, and after about a week of cursing and praying for patients, I slipped a wrench at work and jammed my right thumb worse than ever. My thumb turned black on its end, clear back to the base of my nail, but I didn’t go home, I finished the work week (thurs & fri) without being able to use my thumb at all, and whenever I bumped it on anything, the pain was severe. Sunday morning was the first time I could use it to pick up a spoon, and it took weeks to heal. So my prayer was answered, and I was thankful, although I thought it a bit more extreme than necessary. INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry, not looking for anyone who refuses to trust the Boss 100%. So I’m still trying to get this job, jumping through hoops, and burning the candle at both ends when I went to get my camping gear out of storage, which I keep in two large chests, each 7’ X 5’ (yeah, I have a lot of camping gear!!... not in the shed where I kept my wagon), and I found one of the chest had 4 inches of standing water (from the heavy rains this summer). What a disaster! I couldn’t believe it! And honestly, the only thing that wasn’t wet was my travel bible! “Ha ha Lord! It’s okay to trash my stuff, but heaven forbid a drop of water get on anything of Yours!” INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry, not looking for employees who can’t recognize the Boss’s handwriting. Oh, and I had to work so hard cleaning up what I didn’t throw away! And yeah, my Christian friends, I did eventually get the message. Like, read my bible more often. Duh! And, His word is infinitely more valuable than material things, not to mention it’s all His stuff anyway, and He can do what He wants with it. Yeah, I get it. Now these things had been coming one after another, or really more like one on top of another, for I still didn’t have running water, my wagon repair was a work in progress, my thumb wasn’t yet healed, and my camping gear situation was a terrible mess to straighten out. Oh man! Where am I going to find the time for all of this! I’m already working [on computer] while eating breakfast, half my lunches are on the run, and most suppers are eaten while driving home from work (only to get home and immediately begin work all over again at home, preparing for this job I want, which includes a ride on Reba, and it’s the best part of my day, out under God’s big sky, but, in this world we live in, which is sooooooo very understanding, people who drive by and see me riding probably think that I have way too much time on my hands! Ha! Ha! But at least I can say this much for myself; I haven’t refused any of my friends when they asked for help, and I haven’t complained a word to anyone but God until this morning when it all just had to come out. INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry don’t need any braggarts who can’t follow the Bosses instructions regarding good deeds. So time is weighing down on me, not to mention the financial aspect, I’m doing this on my own dime, been saving as much as I can [and I WILL NOT ACCEPT your money], but now I have to buy a new 4 season tent, and the list goes on, like yesterday at the feed store was $50, insurance was $60, welding supplies for shoeing Reba $175, and gas for truck $50… I spent more than I earned! “But I get it Lord! I don’t need money to follow You, just faith. And why not go skipping down the road without a dime in my pocket and only the shirt on my back!” INTERVIEW FAILED! Sorry, not hiring any unappreciative jerks today. But honestly folks, I’m just running this race, and I can’t clear a single hurdle, and if this was any other team I would be cut, cut, cut! And yet, by the grace of God, I think I might just get this job! Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS. Did I forget to mention what the job is? It’s my wagon mission of course. FAITH MARCH!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:22:16 +0000

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