I LOVE GOD To everyone who also loves the lord I say this, God - TopicsExpress


I LOVE GOD To everyone who also loves the lord I say this, God loves EVERYONE...he doesnt judge whether u have tattoos, colored hair, piercings or too much make up on. God doesnt care about your race or the clothes youre wearing. His love is UNCONDITIONAL so why do some call yourselves Christians or religious when you turn around and judge others after praising his name? Dont judge other or belittle the ones who are around you. I know of many families who say they love God but yet when they see their niece, little sister or grand daughter do something they disapprove of, they belittle them so much that they feel unloved. All I need all of you to know is that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT but yet MADE IN GODS VISION OF PERFECTION. If you know youve said something to hurt a loved one just because theyre different please take a second to apologize and tell them you love them...PLEASE
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 00:59:06 +0000

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