I STILL FIND IT ABSOLUTELY AMAZING THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS AMERICA’S GOOSE IS COOKED AND WE ARE ABOUT TO ECONOMICALLY IMPLODE. SEARCH NEWS SITES FROM ANY COUNTRY AND IT IS MAJOR NEWS. THE ONLY PEOPLE TOO DUMB TO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING TO AMERICANS IS AMERICANS! Perhaps even more sad than that… is the fact that we as a people still continue to possess this arrogance about ourselves, and most Americans are of the delusional belief that our whole country just wont collapse. As the old saying goes, “THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT.” As long as the Department of Indoctrination… sorry… I mean Department of Education... As long as they continue dumbing down our youth, and RE-WRITING HISTORY to be more politically correct, how could anyone be expected to know how the story ends for the United States? Let me give you a hint: If you want to know… check history books. This is not about me being a “Doom & Gloomer,” or me being negative. This is me trying to get people to wake up to the truth. For those who think that government “won’t let that happen,” I have news for you. This is not a “theory.” This is GOING to happen. Government can no more stop the coming financial tsunami than it could make the sun rise in the West. GOT IT? 0% CHANCE! LEARN THE FACTS! PREPARE WHILE YOU STILL CAN! Read on...
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:00:00 +0000

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