I Think individualism is key to being diverse and united, When - TopicsExpress


I Think individualism is key to being diverse and united, When everyone is the same variety is lacking and you get a horde of people who only wanna eat brains and eat more brains, People need to be different, so they can be good at different things, being like someone else leaves nothing to be admired about you other then being good at being like someone else, when you have people who think very much the same way and fight to fit in with a certain imposed social norm it becomes easier to influence the collective because speaking out or displaying an opinion that differs from the rest of the herd welcomes ridicule, in a society where ridicule means dis function and alienation by everyone else the will of others can be imposed and nobody will question as long as the collective is in tune with the masquerade and on the same page, The Urge to fit in and fall in line with the rest of the herd is natural for humans , the same way animals flock together, birds, fish, cattle, many species do this, it increases the odds of survival, just like the animals can be influenced by the leader of the pack to walk into slaughter humans can be influenced very much the same way, by manipulating perception and purging morals and individual ideas that help the collective toward evolving into greater versions of its predecessors and improving upon freedom and goodness, we are led astray and weighed down by this conform or die type of society, i think it comes from when we used to be hunter gatherers, if you were in a pack you were good, if you got separated you were on your own and exposed to threats with only yourself to conquer the odds, Someone has figured out how to manipulate this instinct and impose an agenda, instead of focusing on problems that are a threat to mankind people are focused on imposed problems/distractions, held back by the instinct to fit in and conform, we are all fighting to fit into certain groups or categories that we are told we should be a part of, society is broken up into categories so many that the focus is so much on fitting into these complex multi faceted groups that they are easily manipulated into accepting and carrying out actions detrimental to progress because of this imposed image, The only way for people to work together and still be an individual is through love, when you love someone you dont judge them and try to separate yourself based on indifference you work with that person to combine your ideas to improve upon a situation as a team, with love there is no death unless its imposed by the will of the collective and problems can be addressed that benefit all of man kind instead of groups fighting to benefit themselves, our society is meant to keep us in a loop, its evident in the way we go to war with so many others, its not the citizens who start these wars, its people who wish to influence for personal gain, in all struggles for power there is a leader who wants power over others or a group of people who want power over the collective so they build an army to defeat and silence those who oppose and gain the compliance of others, and through death and destruction respect and obedience is demanded and eventually it becomes the norm and people are persuaded to believe that they need this dictatorship and they come to depend on it through generations because the memory of those who fought for other means of freedom have been lost and mis construed throughout history to deceive and create a perception in favor of those who impose their will over the people. The only way to ever change this is to purge these men, what do you think would happen if when someone said they wanna go to war the people rose up and silenced them, consequence would befall whose who went against the norm which would be to help others preserve peace and work toward positive evolution of our race by using the minds of everyone instead of manupilating them, wars are started because a couple men wish to profit off of resources for personal gain instead of the benefit of the collective, everything has been privatized and converted to ownership by corporations to suite these same men, We are the subjects, confused and in need of an awakening.ALL information we get is from the owners of these corporations The media outlets,newspapers and every other aspect of what we would call entertainment and means of obtaining knowledge including education is owned and funded and controlled by these men, and its all used to insert little by little a certain perception of how they want you to think the world is and should be, If you tell a lie so large Maybe not the best explanation but im no philosopher either. Even if i dont have it all right, i dont think we were put on this earth to fight over oil and destroy it ultimately ensuring the impossibility of the survival of our race and maybe the planet we share with the rest of the living breathing species that exist in the reality we live in. There is so much we dont know to exist because its withheld from us, Knowledge is power and there are people who have that figured out and down to a science, How is this possible some people ask but if you take a look at history you see the same people have maintained wealth and power throughout, controlling knowledge and manipulating the rest, how does one person or small group of people thriving above everyone else benefit everyone? Negativity is a chain reaction in our society, we kill and only create more enemies, in other countries and in our own, the violence is fueled by the perceptions imposed by others to keep us loyal and un knowing, i dont exactly know all of the reasoning behind it, i can see that much is wrong though, and if there were truly people in charge who seek to benefit mankind changes would take place to benefit everyone instead of wars to benefit few. If war was an effective tool the American economy would be booming, and it was for a while when the jobs for making the tools of war were manufactured in our country, so war as a tool for a strong society can be ruled out because the tools to maintain war have been outsourced to nations other then the ones at war, Get it?, its clearly brought on and maintained in order to benefit a couple hundred men because we have been at war for your lifetime my lifetime and your grandparents lifetime and the world has been in steady decline the entire time, but we have been told that there are all of these enemies we need to get rid of, its odd that we funded Hitlers army and then fought against it, At whos expense? not the president ? or his handlers, or the president of any other country, citizens, expendable human beings,they fight the battles so that they can live below those at the top, whos to say they have any quarrel at all, they know if they make it appear as if they do they can eliminate much of the population and still remain at the top though, addressing the concern for overpopulation and ensuring they maintain the illusion that they arent all on the same team, im not talkin presidents and congressmen plotting all of this shit, im talking the people who fund them and get them to where they need to be to maintain the illusion that they are in control, If mankind had such a problem with eachother dont you think there would be much more destruction, every country is diverse in religion and culture and there is only issue where influence is brought on by indifference brought on and exploited by Mostly Government and factions created by government to give the illusion of hate and the need for fighting, if you cant see it the odds are you wont, like i said i may not be the best at explaining this shit and i may not have it all spot on, but you can see through history that things have been overall manipulated to benefit and ensure the control of the people by a particular bloodline and some with similar intent by their prevalence throughout. The main thing is that through peoples inability to perceive these things they lack the ability to address the the problems that they present and remain unable to make change. Stuck in a loop it would seem until they are able to awaken, even then the task of overcoming actions taken to ensure the continuity of these people remains. A long road to be traversed, the only way though is for the people to come to this realization together, then they can collectively figure out what needs to be done. Or at least ensure themselves a fighting chance of freeing themselves from the elaborate plot formulated against them. Im no scholar, im just a normal person representing normal people, society as been torn so much that people who actually worry about the planet and its condition are limited to groups of people instead the entirety of the population residing on its surface, that in itself should define the division among out people.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:25:20 +0000

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