I Wrote this To: To pbs,org/newshour:Crare County Review - TopicsExpress


I Wrote this To: To pbs,org/newshour:Crare County Review I am a white male of the age of 47 as I watched WCMU television last night 12/08/2014 around 6:30 pm. I have never been more outraged at these younger generations relating and labeling every killing of a black person as being racially motivated. It is easy for people to jump on the racial band wagon, why not it sells to the media outlets. As a white male with a best friend of being of color and having a beautiful granddaughter and also of color I feel I am in a place to see that racism is not always the issue in every death. Last year in Clare county Michigan a white young male was overly Tasered almost to the point of death by the local Sherriff’s dept. I feel the problem lies with the excessive force that police are allowed and encouraged to use on what they deem as criminals. What happened to the suggestion that a person in this country should be looked at and is to be considered innocent until proven guilty? Police look at everyone no matter what color you are as guilty unless you are a good ole boy or a person in the position of wealth or power then it is done by the book. If the black community thinks it easier to be white they are so far from the truth it is not funny. The reason you hear very little on white deaths resulting at the hands of law enforcement is because we have very little people willing to protest for the working class who are white. We have no Rev, Al Sharpton’s or Jessie Jacksons or the NAACP to stand up and March or protest for us. I personally know of a 5 month old pregnant woman in New York who was forced at gun point to the ground and when she stated she was pregnant it did not matter for a class D non-violent Misdemeanor. The police was designed to protect and serve against what society deemed as a person with a lack of character with the intent to do harm to you. I had a local Sergeant from the sheriff’s Dept. ask me one time did I know why the young males ran when they pulled up. I gladly answered him by saying it is because you’re wearing that gold. Star. He replied only guilty people run from police. I replied back that the average citizen regardless of age or race know that they are automatically looked at as being guilty by Law enforcement. At that time the police officer became loud and tossed out threats of arrest just over a noise complaint call. Instead of starting new racial lines of hatred with slogans “I can’t Breath”amongst the people of the United States of America by people who are in a position to cause change by spreading outlandish statements, address and fix the actual problem. If the President really wants to help the people who got him elected to his office than it is time to put the dogs (Law Enforcement) back on their leashes. After 9/11 law Enforcement was given a green light to do and effect an arrest by any means necessary. Some soldiers are coming home from war to become police officers with the G.I Joe gung ho attitude which does not work well with average everyday people. Think about this whether it is by a gun, Taser or by choke holds they use excessive force on the Americans who they are sworn to protect. Very little charges or prosecution of these Police officers never get reported and when they do they get dismissed with warnings or low incarceration times. The Police action of law Enforcement of the United States of America falls just short of what could be considered local Terrorism. Law Enforcement use to be about honor to serve and protect the citizens which brought the police officers respect. Now it is a well lucrative business for counties and the state. The law enforcement structure from police to judges are making a lot of money off of fear, intimidation and death of their communities. If they were to properly handle themselves business would drop. They need to remember we are innocent until proven guilty so I ask you did that young male in New York really deserve to die for the illegal sale of Cigarettes. Who gave the police the right to arrest and convict and pass a death sentence and carry it out all with in fifth teen minutes. I feel that four to five police officers is an over excessive amount to subdue one person if you need more than two then it is clear they need to send those officers back to school for more training. You do not have to be black or a criminal to fear and be mistreated by police we as Americans are all considered as the same classification “ Guilty” unless you hold a great social or financial status that they fear. I feel one solution is that what is known as the internal affairs division of local and state police agencies should be ran by federal government with a panel who does not fit in to the code of “Blue Bloods” and should be allowed to be able to release the details without being blacked out to the local media so there is less chance for cover ups and lower chances on continuing the Good Ole Boy Policy. Again I ask you and my neighbors to dismiss the black racist direction as it is snow balling into hatred and realize we are all minorities when it comes to the way we are treated by Law Enforcement.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:09:18 +0000

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