I already have health insurance and its great insurance, but out - TopicsExpress


I already have health insurance and its great insurance, but out of pure curiosity, I decided to see what it was actually like to sign up for #Obamacare. So, I just went on the website and tried to sign up not once, not twice, not even three times. I tried four times and guess what? It didnt work at all. I never got passed the security questions. I used a false identity each time, cause like I said, I already have great insurance, but even if I didnt have insurance, I wouldnt want to subject myself to this catastrophic situation thats supposed to be #Obamas golden goose. After the website kept failing, it certainly didnt make me want to try to sign up again. I mean, honestly. Not too many people would have the patience to even try a third or fourth time. Obama and his administration have made way too many promises and havent delivered on any of them. They had over three years to set this up, promised the public weeks before the release that it will be ready for consumer use, and what happened? The complete opposite. Obama promised the website was ready and easy for the public to use and that it would be just as easy to use as Kayak. LIES! I just experienced it for myself. Its terrible. Kayak is actually mush easier to use. Why? Cause, Kayak works. Obama promised Obamacare would be beneficial to each and every American citizen. LIE! Obama promised that everyone will have cheaper healthcare. LIE! Many Americans premiums are going nowhere but up and theyre going up by the thousands. Obama promised that if you already have insurance and if you like your doctor, then youll be able to keep both. LIES! Many Americans have said that theyve lost their coverage and/or their doctor because of Obamacare. Many people are saying that because they know Obamacare will be too expensive for them, theyre just going to pay the penalty, cause the penalty will actually be cheaper, than the insurance itself. lol The irony is unbelievable. So much for the Affordable Care Act actually being affordable. This is just one more situation that proves 100% that Obama and his administration have zero credibility. They cannot and must not ever be trusted. After everything that has happened under Obamas presidency, after everything I have researched, after everything I have read and/or heard from various sources of all forms, I can promise you that this President, this administration, and the polititians who support them, do NOT have your best interest in mind. Unless, we are individually providing them with hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, then they do NOT care about you or I. #Truth #OReilly #Hannity #TeaParty #TedCruz #FoxNews #KellyFile #Greta #CNN #MSNBC
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:39:42 +0000

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