I am GUILTY TO just about every one of these Statements....Growing - TopicsExpress


I am GUILTY TO just about every one of these Statements....Growing up in a farming family teaches you so much more and you do use those lessons everyday in Life....Thanks Mom and Dad I am PROUD to be a Farmers Daughter! Jeanne You Know You’re A Farmer’s Daughter When…... 1. The best Father’s Day gift you can give is a morning off of milking. Dad’s don’t appreciate anything more than being appreciated. Farmers don’t get holidays or weekends off, so it makes sense that milking for dad and letting him sleep in or helping out to get chores done faster means the world to him. 2. Even if you’re not a natural early bird you become one. After milking cows at 3:30am for a while getting ready for school is a piece of cake. Nothing beats waking up and doing chores before the sun is up. 3. The “So God Made a Farmer” commercial makes you cry. Paul Harvey said it all, “God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper and then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.” So God made a farmer.” 4. At a gas station you have no idea how to work the pump. I might as well wear a flashing sign that says “Farm Girl” when I go to the gas station… its takes me twice as long as anybody else to pump gas. Nothing beats having a gas tank on the farm. 5. Your dad does not let you date a boy because he doesn’t know how to drive a tractor. I might as well not even bring a boy home that does not have a strong handshake, good work ethics and strong beliefs. Between my dad, my brothers and their shot guns, most boys don’t even stand a chance. 6. “I’ll be right there” could really take 2 hours. It doesn’t matter where you go, dad will know someone, and in the rare occasion that he doesn’t know someone he will meet someone and find a connection somewhere. 7. You never can take the shortest route to your destination. It never fails, whether we are on our way to church, school or even the hospital, we have to take the back roads so dad can check out all the fields and make sure he is up to speed . 8. Your choice of footwear is work, muck or cowboy boots. Yes, I do wear my jeans on the inside of my boots, but thats because I’m milking. The cute boots that girls wear around for fashion are really meant for the barn. So the next time you get compliments on your “beauty boots” make sure to thank a farmer for starting a trend. They aren’t kidding when they say everything begins with agriculture. 9. No matter how hard you try, you cannot keep your mouth shut when people do not know where their food comes from. Without farmers we would all be naked and hungry. People need to be more educated about the industry before they decide that all farmers are bad. Farmers feed the world. Think before you criticize. 10. How much land a guy owns is a prime component for your dad allowing him to marry you. You think that it’s a joke, but when the neighbor boy with a big farm and lots of land is brought up more than every once in a while it really makes you start to wonder. 11. Your main responsibility in the summertime is being available to take dad lunch out to the field so he doesn’t have to stop the tractor. I wish I had a dollar for every time my dad has called me to bring him lunch. I’m not complaining because I understand the importance of keeping the tractor running. 12. You have taken more perfume bathes than you feel comfortable owning up to. Hurrying up to finish chores so you can make it the game and not having time to shower never hurt anyone. 13. Your farm truck is older then you. Not only is living on a farm awesome because you have old trucks and lots of fields to practice driving in, but the trucks are so old what is one more dent, really? 14. You use the line “sorry I have to milk” to reject someone. The only thing worse then using this as an excuse to not go on a date is when it is actually true and he thinks you’re making it up. 15. “I’ll be in for dinner soon” means to start without me. Things happen in barn, you get used to it quickly. Unless you can see dad’s truck coming up the road you cannot predict what time he really will be home. 16. P.E.T.A stands for People Eating Tasty Animals. Farmers are the real people who care about the ethical treatment of animals. 17. You see a flannel shirt and start to walk a little faster… If your jeans or shirt is tighter than mine you can find your way to the door. 8. A typical argument is over red or green. Case IH or John Deere? The battle that makes or breaks relationships. 19. Your wardrobe consists of jeans and cutoffs. At one point or another you realize that looking cute is just not always an option. 20. You use utterly smooth cream instead of lotion. The rest of the world is catching on to this one; it is now sold at Wal-Mart! 21. You see a hot guy in a truck and only check out the truck.. I feel as if this one is self-explanatory ;)...Guilty 22. You thank a farmer for his hard work and dedication every chance you get. Farmers work long hours to provide safe, abundant food for the world. Take the time each day to appreciate those who provide your food!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 03:23:35 +0000

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