I am Muslim:: I am an idiot. Islam - one of the greatest religion - TopicsExpress


I am Muslim:: I am an idiot. Islam - one of the greatest religion of earth which one third of world’s population practices. What is Islam? First base of Islam is blind faith. Imaan – believe in one true god, who muslims call Allah, creator of this universe, who controls everything. We as human are only his obedient servants. His orders are given via a holy book named “Quran”, which was obtained through Muhammad, the supposedly last prophet. Muhammad through his works (which is called Hadeeth or Sunnah) explained Quran and orders every human being to follow quran in every step of the way. Laws which are derived in light of Quran and Sunnah are called Sha’ria law. Sha’ria law is deemed to be the law of God, the supreme legal system. To every devout muslim, any other man made law is deemed to be under Sha’ria law. A most common question from an innocent curious enquirer, “How do I know Allah exists?” Answer: That is what you have to believe. Remember first pillar of Islam is Imaan – faith. Bring your faith and do not debate. You will attain paradise if you have faith, if you debate, it will only sway further away. You must believe in Allah and afterlife. One simple answer to the enquirer. Listen to the following story, which I seriously told to one of my hardcore Islamic friend: I said to Arshad (on a very serious tone), “Arshad, you know a dragon has come to stay in my attic yesterday. It breaths fire” He ran up to the 3rd floor to check, when he found nothing, he said, “You liar. Where is your dragon?” I replied, “Honestly man. It is there. You can not see it because it is invisible. It is breathing fire now. Believe me he is there.” Arshad said, “Ok he is invisible. But how come I don’t feel the heat if he is breathing fire.” I explained, “Because it is divine. You can imagine the dragon being invisible. It is indeed divine. But believe me, it is there.” Arshad ran through the room and shouted, “You liar, if he is there how come I did not feel it?” I said, “Look man, it is transparent that why you did not feel him. But trust me it is there. Do you not believe me? I am your friend.” Arshad said, “Ok, so how come I can not hear its noise or anything. Something has to prove that it is actually existent. Show me a sign.” I said to him, “Man, believe me. It is there. It is a divine dragon. You have to believe in it. I am not going to lie to you am I? I am your close friend. Trust me it is there. Just have faith.” Arshad looked at me and called me a bluffmaster and did not want to believe me at all. He said, “Without hard evidence I am not going to believe in your divine invisible dragon and all those porkies.” I asked him, “Why then do you believe in Allah? What difference is there in my dragon and in your Allah?” That was the last time I ever saw him. I explained him Islam within reason, but they will not accept it. When they give me those craps about blind faith and Imaan, they expected me to believe it, but why then they do not believe in my divine invisible dragon? I guess it is a million dollar question to muslims. Also they tell me about the purity of Quran, but I can show mistakes in Quran in 100 places and indeed show many books better written than Quran. For example, “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo is much a better book than Quran. When I was a muslim, I was taught without ablution we must not touch Quran, or disrespect Quran. Otherwise grave danger would be fallen on me. When I found out the fallacies of Islam and publicly renounced it, to gather courage one day I used the Quran as doorstopper then burnt it in my garden. Took another piece of Quran and urinated on it and left it in the garden, no grave danger touched me. I am still in sound mind and health. It is just another book with some rubbish stories in it. However, I will explain the mistakes and fallacies if Quran in episode 2. Today I will further discuss the man behind Quran – none other than Muhammad. I call him dirty MO. First of all, unknowingly he Muhammad still gets praises from one third of the population in the world. Every time a muslim speaks of Prophet Muhammad, they must add “Peace be upon him.” It is sunnah and a must do – otherwise no heaven. I followed Muhammad for 30 years as a great man ever to walk on earth. I tried to do everything as he did. Then I found out the truth about him and figured that I can never do things that MO had done. The most unthinkable deed: At the age of 51, Muhammad saw that his best friend and one of his sahabi Abu Bakar’s 6 year old daughter is quite cute. He then said to Abu Bakar that to strengthen their bond of friendship Muhammad must marry Ai’sha and make Abu Bakar his family. Abu Bakar dare not say no, as Mo is Allah’s apostle. Anyone dares to go against Allah’s apostle will surely have their heads chopped. Abu Bakar only said that he was mesmerized with the good news, but only if Allah’s Apostle waits will the girl reaches puberty, otherwise it would look really bad. Mo took the logic. Mo married Ai’sha at the age of 6 and penetrated the little girl at age of 9 when she reached puberty. Haheeth evidences that Ais’ha was playing with doll when Mo took her in his house. Further Hadeeth explains (verified by many Islamic scholars) that until Aisha was 9 years old, dirty Mo used to do “Thighing” (passing the penis through her thighs while she would sit on his lap). First time when I found out this story I was shocked out of my guts. I though I could never ever do what Muhammad did. I asked the muslim scholars as what is their explanation. All of them explained in same tune (including Zakir Nayik). To verify my claim, please google or search youtube with “Prophet Muhammad marrying 6 year old girl Aisha”. Scholars explained, “In those days and climate some girls did reach puberty at very early age. And as per Islamic law the moment a girl reached puberty, she is good enough to get married.” I shouted in horror, “Married to a 51 year old hag?? Yes considering those dark days, if a girl reaching early puberty marries same age boy, or maybe a boy of 15 or maximum 20 year old, that may be acceptable, but to a 51 year old hag???” Also what about the consent of that girl? Muslim scholars would argue, she did consent as permission was taken from her father. But what about her own consent? She was a flesh and blood human being with mind of her own, wasn’t she? Was she mature enough to understand what marriage means? She was playing with dolls for crying out loud. Judging logics from both sides of argument I could only say that Muhammad was a nasty pedophile and should have been given death penalty for such a heinous act. That was not all: Muhammad had an adopted son named Zayid. One day Mo went to Zayid’s house and Zayid was not at home. The door was opened by Zayid’s wife, who was very pretty. Having a peep at her in her house clothes Mo was turned on for her alluring body. He then discussed with one of his spoons. Later when Zayid found out that Mo had a hard on seeing his wife, knowing Mo’s dirty little mind; he knew Mo will stop at nothing until he takes her to bed. Zayid offered his wife to Mo instantly by divorcing her. In response, Mo instantly creates hadeeth and says, “To establish a principle that you are not allowed to adopt children as per Islamic law, I will marry that bird (Zayid’s wife).” He also goes on explaining that you can not give your title to anyone adopted. You can adopt anyone and raise him/her, keep them as servants, but you can never give them your title if you don’t sire them. I was astonished to find out this side of Islam. I had no idea that you can not adopt anyone as per Islamic law. This is outright cruel and inhuman. I was horrified to find out how dirty Mo was. Elements of thought: Do you really need a divine intervention to lead a good life? Why would you be so scared to question your faith? If the element (Islam) that you believe in is so strong, then why just mere questioning would shatter it? “Questioning” and “inquisitiveness” – are the element that makes human race superior over all other species, it makes us intelligent. In physical attributes human being are most feeble one. Some might argue that since we are social animal and live in groups, we are strong. But so does Lions. Lions are mighter than human and lives in pact, yet they are still animals. We, as human we differentiate as we raise questions as a means of discovery. This is what makes us intelligent and powerful over all species. If ay evil forces like Islam restricts our ability to question, it not only damages the quality of our life but also restricts our talents. Let us all rise and question this faith. This is the right time to make the world a better place to live in. more to discuss mail me on [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:03:58 +0000

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