I am NOT a fan of Cops and their abuses upon the public citzenry - TopicsExpress


I am NOT a fan of Cops and their abuses upon the public citzenry one iota. I can differentiate between Fergusons Michael Brown, and Los Angeles Kelly Thomas. If you can NOT distinguish a difference, then get enough facts before you name call on me, or think that just because one is black and the other is white that I am being biased on my discerning the difference between the two deaths I mention. There is a distinct and blaring difference of actions taking place between a thug and robber, and then the aggressor moving towards a cop with a drawn weapon, a young man who was supposedly smart enough to start college, so he had to pass the entry litmus tests and all... Michael Brown ought NOT to have kept moving, in general, nor should have he aggressively moved towards an pistol drawn cop demanding his compliance. Now on to Kelly Thomas, he was NOT mentally level headed. He was NOT the agressor, but we can always hear the cops screaming their mantra of stop resisting...stop resisting. There was NOT a need to beat Kelly Thomas to death. The mentally unstable man begged the cops to stop, he pleaded for his daddy to come and save him... The beating of Kelly Thomas was murder. The shooting of Michael Brown was not. Did any one see all of the peoples out in the street burning down their neighborhood, looting and pillaging for Kelly? Now, did anyone see any of that by done for Michael? Just the mere fact that these ghetto leeches do such things, burn down buildings, pillage and plunder, and even beat down the evil Whitey that is unfortunate enough to be in their presence at the wrong time shows that their minds just dont process things the same as the rest of us. In fact, did you see and listen to those two cracksmoking droopy panted spokesthings speak for the justification of burning, beating down, pillaging and plundering? All funnies aside, I just wonder how many pair of work boots were stolen in order to wear to work on Monday? I would bet my life savings that NOT a single pair of work boots was stolen by the ghetto leeches. whize weeze hasta wort wen da gobbermint pazes u ta beez? There ought to be a litmus test for voting. I wholeheartedly believe that ignorant masses have no right to spread their mental infarctions upon the rest of society. I also belive in piss tests for each leech. I also believe that the welfare system must needs be dismantled for its unprofitable return and its enabling of leeches to use the system. Period. Black, White, Yellow, Red and Brown the color makes no difference. The system needs to be revamped, and we MUST demand that ignorant mobs of stupid people ought NOT be permited to vote. Again, Black, White, Yellow, Red and Brown...the color makes no difference, if you do NOT know your ABCs, if you do NOT know the facts of this nations political arena, if you do NOT speaky dee anglisch, then too---too bad too, too sad, NO VOTEE WOTEE FOR YOU-EE. The creation of an underclass of mentally contaminated baby frankensteins and blood sucking leeches and societal vampires do make the difference, though. There are differences to be drawn from different incidences. And there MUST be a willing mind brave enough, bold enough, and mentally big enough to declare the differences by discerning what is right, and what is wrong. Who was right, and who was wrong. Our country is in the final throes of its death folks. You Whiteys better arm yourselves and stock up. You Americans better start arming yourselves and stocking up. You poo poo-ers on Jesus better wipe it clean and get your act together... Start with Acts 2:38 and we all had better do a bit more of involving ourselves in our communities and our education system and our local and national politics. There is NOT a place for anyone to stand up and speak out later, if no one STANDS UP NOW AND SPEAKS OUT... There are NOT many guarantees in life, but I will offer you these, those of us who prepare will never say na-nanna-na-na, told you so fool. Although, we would love nothing more than that. And that War is coming to our American nation, and Jesus the Christ will split the Eastern sky... and at one point or another each one of us will face our death, and then eventually be judged by a Righteous and Demanding God. Maranath or Anathema is ours to choose. I guess we have to be wise enough to understand and differentiate between those two, also. Decisions, decisions, many in the valley of decisions. The ONE thing I learned if I learned NOTHING more in the Marines it was this... BE DECISIVE! You must make a decision. And as a Marine it had BETTER be the RIGHT ONE AT THAT...Or the Corps would burn you alive. Semper Fi - ][][][% - Molon Labe
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:32:24 +0000

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