I am actualizing PRESENT TIME..The wheel of Karma...learning - TopicsExpress


I am actualizing PRESENT TIME..The wheel of Karma...learning through repetition is over..it is an antiquated system...I have known this and taught it for over 25 years, it is time consuming and besides, it is like being on a merry-go-round, for awhile it is fun, the horses move up and down, there is music...and then the scenery gets very boring. The Groundhog Day Movie is a very accurate depiction of karma...a variation on themes, but pretty much the same day till the lessons are learned and finished. Dharma is when whatever moment that you are in, you are Present..on all levels...and you fulfill that moment instead of thinking, I wish I had said this, or I wish I had said that...the wheel is always turning...but you have gotten off of the ride...the drama and trauma of as the world turns, no longer interests you...picture the ancient symbol of the circle and the dot in the middle...you are that dot...you are still, relaxed, free from fear, and you effortlessly pull to yourself your highest good. You are no longer attracting what is familiar, or living in the karmic eye for an eye, or tooth for a tooth, or in scientific terms, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Attachment brings all sorrow...rather it be to whatever you may believe is negative or positive. Non attachment does not mean closing your heart and building up walls..it is just the opposite...unconditional love actualized is Dharma..the heart is open, you have surrendered to being present and having discernment, you are no longer a victim, you are no longer or needing to rescue victims. Unconditional love does not mean being a doormat, or a martyr..LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF, You cannot love anyone else anymore or any less than you love yourself. Good works, alone, and the outward appearance of charity, and talking about it, mean nothing. Everything is about MOTIVE AND INTENTION...that is what matters and what manifests. Whatever we think, feel, say and do goes out in a vibration..a frequency...you are a living RECORD..the Lambs Book of life, the Akashic Record...you are transparent, and manifesting constantly who and what you are really thinking and feeling..there is no where to run, and there is no where to hide...there are no Angels, or elves writing down who is naughty and nice...you are The tree of Life. The more present you choose to be, the easier life becomes, no more games, no need to plot or plan or manipulate...and passive aggressive people and situations will become more and more uncomfortable for you, and you will awaken out of your own patterns of suffering that you as the Lord of your own creation have created with your free will, and you will choose to co-create with Holy Spirit to actualize unconditional love, and will know that it isnt a concept, or something that you turn off and on. It heals all fear...fear makes us want to control, or be controlled...and keeps us a prisoner..you have the key..you have always had the key..use it. I am so amazed and excited the last 18 months, two nine month cycles of present time...have propelled me effortlessly into being in the right place at the right time and in all innocence finding myself meeting myself, and others that go back to point of origin in things that are completing and healing. No plots, no plans, just being in an open natural state of now. I am approaching my 66th BIRTHDAY ON NOVEMBER 5TH, WITH GREAT JOY AND living in a house that is no longer divided, freeing myself every day from the illusion of separation, and death...choosing to die daily, and shed all that is not in my divine blueprint... Too all my friends and family in the LA area, I am arriving in the morning of November 4th and leaving very late at night on the 10th of November, staying at The Sunset Tower Hotel...I always spend my birthday with my Son, Merlin Kauffman who lives in Hollywood. This is a time of celebration and co-creation for me and all of you who choose to manifest that with me...I will be available for private sessions, as the present time allows, and I am excited to bring together many of you to meet each other. The creative process is manifesting, the writing, the filming..the pieces of the puzzle are all here...on returning...to Indianapolis, I will continue to celebrate my birthday..I am a firm believer that you should celebrate really everyday...your birth, and rebirth..so I will be going for more celebration on my return..planning a party and co-creation here as well.... I am sending you all unconditional love and healing energy and I am grateful for all of you and for all of the lessons you have brought to me, and the freedom that is now here for me I no longer feel the attachment to anger, judgement, fear, resentment, conditional love, what people think, shame, guilt or taking it personally...I know my heart, and my motives and intentions...and choose to always keep my heart open...no need to protect, or guard...Unconditional love has always been my religion..and I share all of this with all of you so that you understand that we are all in this together..there is only ONE BODY OF SPIRIT...AND WE ARE ALL CELLS IN THAT BODY...we are all going through death, hell and the grave...and the resurrection..if you are going through hell..keep on going..lol...dont stay there..the last few years for me have been filled with so much pain, joy, sorrow, happiness..struggle, freedom..etc...healing the illusion of the duality..and it continues..just know and feel the message here...sweet dreams my friends and family...I will see you in them..as we journey on this path together...MM
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:32:30 +0000

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