I am always energized after I discover something new I take for - TopicsExpress


I am always energized after I discover something new I take for granted. Id like to share something that just happened to me now while working in the store. I was sitting behind the counter about an hour ago when two older women and a man(45-ish) walked in to shop. I greeted them, made small talk, and left them in peace to browse. I overheard the man speaking to who I assumed was his mother about the fishing charter boats, and quickly ascertained that he was either mentally disabled, autistic, or physically impaired in some way that affected his speech. His mother really wanted to shop and was kind of not in the mood to talk to him about fishing, so when he dropped behind her and stopped trying to get her attention, I asked him if he had ever been fishing on a charter boat. He quickly walked up to the desk and began to talk to me. I was immediately impressed with his ability to carry on a conversation, noting how difficult it was for him at times to process things quickly. I loved his direct and honest eye contact, and the fact that he was genuinely happy and enjoying our conversation. After a while, his mother finished browsing and they said their goodbyes. He smiled and walked away with her. The other lady stayed behind for a minute and approached me after they left. She thanked me for talking him, and told me what a wonderful special Olympics athlete he was, and that most people will not talk to him.....that it was always just too uncomfortable for people to deal with him. I was not shocked... I realize that it is uncomfortable for some people to deal with special needs people. But I did find him extremely engaging and fun to talk with. About 10 minutes later, they were walking past my windows again, having already walked down to the boat docks to check out the charter hours and prices. He paused outside my door for a second before he came back in, and when he did, he walked straight up to the counter, flashed me an awesome smile - the kind that just makes you feel happy having received it - and stuck out his hand. When I shook it, he said, Thank you so much for talking to me. And then he and the other lady joined his mother and her friend outside and left. What I was left with was the sudden and profound realization that simple friendly conversation was what I have taken for granted all my life. How many lives we could change or make better or even save by offering friendly conversation. I was always popular in school growing up...never met a stranger...was never in need of it, so I have never known what value it holds for someone who doesnt receive it often. Not that he needed changing or help from me- the way I see it, I obviously needed it from him....but I did wonder, how much time had passed since a random stranger had given this man simple conversation and direct eye contact without looking away from him for a way out. So, anyway, Im energized! And, blessed :) Happy weekend everybody! Hope you have some great conversations and honest and direct eye contact with new people!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:06:41 +0000

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