I am an old hand driver...started driving in 1972...think that - TopicsExpress


I am an old hand driver...started driving in 1972...think that qualifies me to say that. Things have changed radically since I started, the most I think is the disrespect shown between drivers to other drivers. Sure there were disagreements between drivers in the day, but it was said, done and over with. If a driver asked for help, no matter their experience levels, they got it; they were not hit over the head for asking, even on the cb. If a driver was in trouble in some fashion, there would be 10 drivers there to help out. You did not hear someone cussing on the cbs like in todays world with language like MF, CS etc. someone would be pinning your coax if you did that. Sure isnt that way in todays trucking world. Other changes are happening too...changes in regulations, less parking for more trucks, and new folk coming in ill prepared for the job. Add in just in time freight and elogs, and a hellish brew is made. Things that were once ok to do are now pointed out as wrong. For instance, at night, pulling thru the fuel islands to use the bathrooms has always been ok before, now it is pointed out and remarked harshly about. Are there some that stay too long, yes, of course there are, but look around, perhaps they do not have an option otherwise. Why do we judge others, are we all 100% perfect? Im not, god bless you if you are. We are seeing right here on our group, some who think it ok to show disrespect towards drivers asking for help, asking questions or asking why something happens. We admins are having to delete comments with F, MF, CS, etc. routinely. Someone asks a question, and the next thing we see is someone basically calling them a dumbarse for asking or worse. You think that is helping anyone? Am I the only one that remembers having questions when I started out and needing answers? Thank god for the brother drivers who reached out and answered them for me. My point is that this group is here to assist others, to do a little socializing in as safe an environment as possible, and to show the successes of folk in the industry. Kind of like the old round tables of the old days where one could ask, listen or relate stories and advice. If you are wanting chaos, drama or just work off your hate and discontent, take it elsewherem we do not want it or need it here. Thanks.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:22:54 +0000

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