I am finally back online. Apologies for the prolonged radio - TopicsExpress


I am finally back online. Apologies for the prolonged radio silence. Once we waved goodbye to Matt at the airport I came home and crashed all day yesterday. I was sick in bed for most of the day. Also the little grey rescue kitten had a abscess burst from his leg and he became very ill. We rushed him to ESAF. I laid in bed with him and a hot water bottle and listened to the fosters one by one clip clop out of TEHP in the hell of Nazlet again. When I finally crawled out of bed only 5 fosters remained. I felt like crying. Then the grey kitten started to have fits and seizures. All I could do was stroke him and try to make him comfortable. I slept with him on my stomach for most of the night, under the blankets to keep him warm, the alarm set for every hour to check on him. He had fits 3 times during the night. The last time he fitted he stopped breathing. I had my finger on his chest and could feel his heart beat but I couldnt see him breathing. I waited for him to die but then he gathered strength and started again. I felt guilty just watching but I dont have any medicine to euthanise small animals. This morning the second abscess ruptured and we spent ages pulling out the thick creamy pus that filled the huge hole. He seemed better once we got all that out and I covered both holes with Tuff Rock. Now he is meowing but only when you prompt him to, he is also sitting up not flopping over on his side. Who knows if he will be ok. The day before yesterday he was chasing me around the backyard of the house we stayed in Dahab. Yesterday he was nearly dead. Today I cant see much improvement and have prepared myself for the worst. I had alot of time to think about things while I was in bed sick. Mostly about the attitude of the horse owners in Nazlet. For instance when I was packing for Dahab I found in the bottom of my suitcase a beautiful halter I bought for MJ in the UK when I was last over. I put it on him and turned him out in the menage. Later I saw one of the fosters walk past my house door with it on. I was furious, we allowed every foster to have a blanket and a halter when they left. This horse owner had gone into the menage, handled the rescue horses and changed around the tack because he didnt want an egyptian made head collar. Another example yesterday was Hababis owner making a guest appearance. He demanded money, which of course I had none to give him, (so he could buy a new horse and kill it to?) he then walked around the stables first picked Mish Mish as a good substitute and then decided he would have Danny instead to work over the Eid. How do you get through to an owner who can look at Danny and see him fit to work? This was purely about the money. Then a man walked in with 5 other friends. He dragged through the door the most beautiful black mare I have ever seen. I mean once you look past the fact she is nearly starved to death, has cuts all over her face and saddle wounds, you can see the beauty beneath it. He handed her over and said she was ancient, she was taking up space in the stable and he didnt really care if she lived or died. He proceeded to walk around the stables and peer in every box at every horse with his friends in tow. Sometimes I wonder if they just grab the skinniest horse they have and bring it here to get through the doors and have a snoop in the stables. I mean these guys know every halter my horses have, they know what colour bandages I have etc. They obviously scout the place to thieve later on. I was hesitant to take the mare, I asked if he wanted her back for the Eid, I told him I am no longer paying compensation for horses who die due to being emaciated, (as I see a little money making scam happening), etc. He didnt care in the least, he was to busy looking at all the stables. The black mare is the most gentle horse ever. She is very kind and has beautiful big black eyes. She is very thin and I am doubtful if she will survive. I had a look in her mouth and she has worn her front teeth down to little stumps and has almost no back teeth. No wonder she in such a mess. I will upload photos of her shortly. She deserves to spend the rest of her life in good hands. I hope I dont see her owner for very long time to come. I am certainly not a fan of this Eid festival.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 12:20:25 +0000

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