I am neither liberal or conservative,I use my common sense to look - TopicsExpress


I am neither liberal or conservative,I use my common sense to look at the at our leaders in congress. I changed from republican to democrat and the decided neither one these parties were representing the American people with honesty but for their ideology. These parties need to leave their beliefs at the waters edge and do the job of governing the countrys issues, thats why Im an independent. Leave religion of governing, the constitution clearly states separation of church and state. Please dont think I am anti-religion-JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR period. These leaders obviously dont care about the plight of the less fortunate, case in point not raising the minimum wage or people being able to go to the doctor when they are sick. These leaders lost touch with realty of the concerns of the American people. After watching self inflicted wounds to our budget for instance shutting down the government costing the American people $24 billion dollars-when they had a chance to pass the American jobs act which would have cost $50 billion dollars to repair, rebuild, add new interstate projects, and finally put people back to work. People now the leaders are suing the President over the A.C.A.. Believe me I dont agree with everything in this plan but it can be changed and improved. Well-suing the President is going to cost the taxpayers another $350 million. Both parties need to do their jobs and stop this tit for tact its ridiculous-it wastes money and value time to get this country growing again. In closing, I will be voting 80% Democrat and 20% republican-we need a big shake up in state and federal congresses to include their leaders. Remember to VOTE use your common sense and gut feeling!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:06:29 +0000

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