I am not known as a public apologist for Chinas official policy of - TopicsExpress


I am not known as a public apologist for Chinas official policy of bling-bling rapid modernization and urbanization at any costs... and I have been known in Americas Chinese-American circles as being a vociferous critic of Chinese mainlander rude and crude behavior while traveling overseas. The culture food fight in HKG pitting the Locusts vs. The Running Dogs have spread to America with the mainlander Chinese newbies vs. the native-born ABC (American-born Chinese). There is something to be said about China, Inc.s economic trajectory of unbridled GDP growth, mercantilism, bling-bling hip cities and expansive growth in hyperconsumerism, hypermaterialism. In the backwaters of Chinas west, the inroads of Beijingism and Shanghainism have clearly been destabilizing and disrespectful to local indigenous minority cultures. But as described by Kaiser Kuo above, the Hui Muslims do not have a propensity to strike out and inflict violence and terror against civilians. Neither will I say that Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang all have these proclivities or tendencies. What is going on with many Uighur radical extremists are clearly connected with Wahabism and the extreme radical form of violent Jihadi extremist Islam. And Wahahism, stoked and financed with foreign dark hands have clearly penetrated China. I suspect that there is a sinister attempt from the West to destabilize China and de-fang Chinas emergence as a global power, by sowing fragmentation, secession, and separatist movements in Chinas fringe. It all plays under the game plan of the neo-encirclement of China policy of the Obama neo-Cold Warriors who have resurrected the playbook of the Dulles brothers and George Kennan of the Cold War Days against the Soviet Union era. Let the die be cast. China and its strategists will know how to play and respond back in due time. Sun Tzus Art of War is prophetic and insightful. American beware. Dont play with fire. The Chinese people is patient. Dont wake the dragon. But when the masses get fired up.... beware. Japan, too, be forewarned.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:26:15 +0000

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