I am posting the comments of two friends that show the depth of - TopicsExpress


I am posting the comments of two friends that show the depth of the Islamic invasion in America. Not only is the invasion alive and well, it has chosen to directly thumb its nose at the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is no accident that One WTC opened the day before the national election. This brings up the question - “why does it matter if I vote?” The answer is simple and straightforward. Even if voting is an exercise in futility, we must always remember that no government, no king can rise without the authority of the Lord. In the days of the absolute monarchies of the Bible, it was the Lord alone that determined who would sit upon the thrones of the earth. Even though the kingdoms of the earth are the dominion of Satan, the earth itself and everything therein belongs to the Lord. Many times, the Lord would allow the rise of the very worst rulers in response to the rebellion of nations and peoples. Not just Israel, but all nations. The judgments of the Lord would fall upon all nations that fell into utter sin and vileness. Sodom, Gomorrah, Nineveh - all felt the sting of the Lords judgment, even though they were not Israel or the Jewish people. Even the entire breadth of humanity came within a heartbeat of annihilation for its utter wickedness. In America, the Lord granted us a constitutional republic. He granted us the right of self determination and self rule. He also granted us the right to bury ourselves if we should turn from His ways. So, what does this have to do with voting? Simple - even if the system has become corrupt to the point that elections are decided by a few, the Lord has not yet ended America nor the system of government He ordained. It is coming soon enough to be sure. However, it is not here yet. As it was with Abraham, so it is now with us. The question is being asked - will the Lord now destroy America? What if 50 righteous men can be found? 30? 20? What if 10 righteous men can be found? Would the Lord stay His hand? Most now understand that the judgment of the Lord must come. However, until it arrives we still sit in the constitutional republic that the Lord delivered to our forefathers. It was this same constitutional republic that saved the Jewish people from extermination. It was this same constitutional republic that the Lord used to directly bring to pass the single greatest prophetic fulfillment since the Savior Himself ascended back into the heavens - the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Why vote? The Federal Government is not the only agency that records how you vote. Every last word, deed and action in our lives is recorded in the books, and those books shall be opened one day. What did you do with your piece of the republic? Voting does not matter you say? How many stayed at home in 2008? “I will not vote the lesser of two evils!” Understand, the decline of America did not happen overnight. The lesser of two evils is a condition of degrees. There was a time when the national election was quite a different story. It was only by degrees that it progressed to what we see now. It is likewise by degrees that it could have been turned back. Rome wasnt built in a day. Neither was America. Her restoration wasnt going to happen in a day either. Now, however, we vote for the heavenly records. We vote now to record in the books before the Lord that it did not matter that all seemed hopeless. We vote now to declare officially that we will be accounted among the righteous. We vote now to record how we view this once great nation. We vote now to declare that regardless of how hopeless it seems among men. . . It is the Lord alone that sets the times and seasons. Why vote? We vote that we do not yet find one day, before the courts of heaven, that judgment had one final chance to be stayed - yet not enough righteous stood to honor the gift of freedom the the Lord bestowed upon us, that we were among those that would not stand even when it seemed hopeless - knowing that hope is in the Lord alone. We vote now because this was the responsibility of the constitutional republic that the Lord Himself ordained. We vote to declare that we will not make light of His mercy and grace. That was how 2008 happened. That is how the things you will read below came to be. From Stew Sutton: One World Trade Center Spire or Minaret? Claiming victory for Islam When Muslims claim victory in a military conquest, they do two things. They build a mosque on or near the site of the battle, and then they raise up a minaret as high as it will go to show the world that that land has been claimed as an Islamic victory. On September 22, 2011, they opened Park 51, otherwise known as the Ground Zero Mosque. Step one was completed. Step two happened on May 10, 2013, with the raising of an Islamic minaret to sit triumphantly atop the One World Trade Center. Look at the picture and tell me what you see. This is the “spire” (minaret) set atop One World Trade Center. From Donna Hopkins: This is the new One World Trade Center located next to Park 51. Park 51 is the mosque built by El-Gamal, and despite protest was developed. Atop of the OWTC is a spire, typically known as a minaret. The minaret is normally balconied and is climbed by a muezzin, who is the caller of prayer for a certain group of individuals. The custom of these individuals after conquering lands is to do two things. The first is to build a mosque upon the battled land, the second is to raise a spire. Now, take a good look at the spire atop the OWTC ... what do you see? Better still, do some research of this building during its development to see the placement of the beams, as balconies can readily be seen. Now, recall the purpose of the balconies and ask yourself, why the iconic similarity? It is interesting to note, the OWTC with its spire, supersedes all other minarets in the Muslim world, as IT is now the tallest of all. Now, ask yourself, why would the two phases of the original Ottomans be located at what was once the iconic WTC and center of world finances? I believe you will draw the same conclusion I and many others have. If you dont believe this, I implore you, do some research. In the name of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:10:01 +0000

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