I am saving my money Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 at 1:34 - TopicsExpress


I am saving my money Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 at 1:34 PM From: Fred Flintstone To: [email protected], info@brackobama, [email protected], [email protected] Subject: THE PAIN IN THE ASS IS STILL ALIVE AND IN GOOD HEATH IN 2014 WHY DONT YOU JUST PAY HIM??? LETTER FORWARDED FROM MICHAEL CHARLES HECHT P.E. BSME OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA ASKED TO PLAY FINAL FOUR BASKETBALL BY THE PLAYERS BUT CHASED OUT OF TOWN BY MAFIA I cannot upset the apple cart of the real liars who stole my work as they are greatly admired at what they have done even though they did not do what they said because you already honored them and so it is the way it is It is a sick ending to this situation but set in stone, so my enemies now have an army of the so called best enemies and there is no end to this problem that my life will be threatened in America forever by bags of money that are collected from your greatest Americans that ever lived this is the case, my broken teeth my innocence is pure and there is very little concern for the hereafter by these greatest of citizens these statesmen because they have every thing and their mistakes are properly hidden now my murder is approved and will be a thousand times in a thousand times approved.. The result because of my resilience is I have beaten down all attackers but the result is “torture, beatings and chemicals” that hit me again and again and over five years since the rocket grenade hit that just knocked me out in November 2009, the repetition of violence has been consistent and who is dead? Some of your men are dead due to simple hand to hand fighting where I have nothing but the will to hit and knock out anyone with my two fists as that is all I have ever had.. You had explosives and used them and you used exotic biology to kill me and you used brain chemicals meant to permanently injure the fully operational one of mine You smile and play golf your greatness assured forever A simple story was stolen and the man that stole it won many awards and became known from coast to coast as a great man and now that man must hunt me down and budget for my death and that started in 2010... I do not know the situation with my ideas in my patent but the emotion was similar with a group of San Francisco Bechtel people getting treated like heroes, my death was ordered again and again I am who you made me up to be.. The real America is a turning of the stomach and the horrible of horrible and yet you hugged and hugged these great heroes and you always were You are all disappointed that I am hearty and survive the impossible and now you have lists of the ones that searched and searched me over the years and the few that actually with great violence tried to murder me, where all of them are dead.. They are dead from my right to bare arms, which turned out to be my quickness to defend myself and when they were knocked down, they never got up.. I am not anything but going to heaven and yet the whole world will shout the opposite as those that are in the news said so This is the way it will always be.. So I am not weak, no I am not, I am not weak in character, and yet you labeled me “manic depressive,” which to the American and the world it influences its actions.. as this weak in character, easy to bully and destroy.. I am strong and you do not understand that.. because I stop and listen to all, to find out their truth of who they are and most of you will not do that because you fear most of the ones you meet When you see me, you think immediately that I am a coward.. You smile and think you will have big money, easy and I cannot warn you as a friend, because all friendship is long gone.. When you finally dangle your hand cuffs and say, “you are finished,” you are immediately dead, within a hundredth of a second, dropped on the floor with a hit so furious that no one can see it as it travels at two hundred miles an hour I am created as you and yet I am ten times quicker and yet I am not a lose cannon, you pursue me like hired guns thinking;g of great wealth, or great appreciation, and when you see me, the dollar signs are in your eyes.. Within my paper work you declare me now a murder er and yet this is the situation.. I am the right to bare arms and unfortunately you over and over again the wolves you are, follow me and search me and follow me and search me and let me go and let me go and let me go.. Your intellectual ability to argue with me is not as great, and so sooner or later, your greatest lawyers, dressed in police mans gear, have to go back to their cars.. This has happened coast to coast I have no big money and it looks like all things are stolen by really well liked theives who will be hugged until they die I wil never be known here and I will never die, except if surprised, as the few henchmen you send to me are now all in Hells acres.. It is so and it will always be that way... The evil intent the discussion with someone who is not going to make it has happened more then once, as this is the way it has turned out to be.. With no evil intent , you will not be hit never, and yet these American animals with great intellect approach me the dummy and the weak in character, thinking great hugs if they “get me” or great cash if they know about it.. This sickness of theirs is complete and un breakable and this insistence that I am the little Is now a million times exaggerated I am not anything but strong reliable and a good thinker, and yet since this assault will be there in America forever The result is and will always be the same, always be the same, shoot outs at high noon, financed by the wealthy, over and over and over again with me, Marshall Dilion and you will all end up over and over again in boot hill someday a lucky shot and I will end up there too.. the human animal. Their greatness assured is and will always be the same I will not go away, in fear like you want, never and yet it has been difficult to move out of here, it is obvious we do not like each other, as you took all my earnings and money, and yet despite all that was taken so that all could be heroes and get great friendships, I am slowly getting all I need together to move on while you pay to pursue and destroy me with no fear and fun filled days You have not destroyed me and never will and again it will take a lucky shot to kill me off.. So no one is killing off the USA no one and I am not going to ever take a pot shot out of anger As my friends are all dead, meaning I am and have a closeness to the beyond which you will immediately scribble down, and smile about, as evidence that you can use to destroy me with accusations at your stops later.. My ancestors ARE with me, and they can see this tragedy the way it is.. I am very well appreciated by those you cannot see, and I will deny as I know your human ape wills You might never see your grandfather, my enemies, your dog that died, your lost family again for this, It is not my concern MICHAEL C HECHT P.E. BSME BSEE AA the attempts to torture me will always be a part of my life.. I have no fear of bleeding to death eventually I will fight until the blood squirts me dry.. and I will always struggle and hit furiously it is obvious what your intentions are USA ELIETE. So no one is “predator droning you, “ and that means you continue to think I am weak, and you smell victory and you have confidence that you can win and when you dont YOU ARE DEAD so I am sorry you keep pursuing me but you do... and I the “Marshall Dillion” is set up that way.... this is the way you are playing this hand of your life.. nice talking to you “wolves in sheep clothing” ….the “sheep clothing” is the most appreciated and loved Americas ever !!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:47:26 +0000

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