I am sick to death of the narrow minded approach that some have in - TopicsExpress


I am sick to death of the narrow minded approach that some have in relation to the acts terrorism being enacted around the world. You should not, and cannot blame all people of Muslim faith for acts of terrorism performed by less than 2% of that faith. Think back to the 70s and 80s. We had the IRA, the Bayder Meinhoff Group, the Red October group,ETA, and the PLO. Did anyone go about as viciously to the Irish, the Germans, the Spanish Basques, the Palestinians and so on when those groups from their respective countries performed the barbaric acts of terror that they did? The answer is NO! So those of you who seek to paint all persons of the Islamic Faith with the same brush, look to your own countries. The current anarchy in the middle east has direct links to the actions of the so-called Coalition of the Willing in Gulf Wars 1 and 2. If the yanks had kept their noses out of other peoples business we may not be in the mess we are now. If it wasnt for Western influence, the Taliban (or Mujihadeen as they were know during the Russian-Afghan War) would not be the force they are today, nor would Assad be in power in Syria, where he is bombing hi s own people. The Western Powers have a lot to answer for in relation to what is happening right now in the Middle East and yet they try to abrogate the responsibility for crop that has sprung in the field in that region. Again, dont paint all with the same brush.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:42:50 +0000

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