I am so proud to share with you my first training session with - TopicsExpress


I am so proud to share with you my first training session with Elise and Claudia. Thank you Elise for allowing us to use your basement as your training arena today. They made the decision to take the first step with me today. Due to the fact that neither of them have exercised regularly in quite some time, I made the decision to incorporate a beginners workout for them both. And, because I havent trained these clients in the past, I made sure to bring many different dumbbells and kettlebells of various weights to suit their specific training needs. Their workout was as follows: Foam Roll - just as a rubber band gets knots in it...so do our muscles...foam rolling gets these knots out:) Stretching-cross-legged sitting on bench;standing up while holding onto wall or support while raising foot to buttocks-knee should be pointing towards floor; and calf stretch-while on all fours...gently walk legs back, place foot over other ankle and raise and lower the foot that is on the ground...repeat with other leg. Movement Prep-Backwards Lunge Twist; Lunge forward in-step; elbow to knee (Movement Prep is very important as it warms up the tissues in our body and gets it ready for exercise). 1. Reverse Lunge-holding chair-I chose reverse lunges because they are easier on the knees and just easier to do for those that have not exercised in some time....the chair was added stability and security for my clients so they didnt feel like they were going to fall or lose their balance. 2. Squats with Bench-my clients each stood over the bench...toes slightly pointed outward and they gently lowered down to the bench...the bench gave them something to feel at the bottom so they knew how far to go down and it also gave them extra stability and safety just in case they needed to rest in between reps. 3. Medicine Ball Chest Throws-great metabolic exercise to work the chest and work as a team. My clients loved this exercise. 4. Kettlebell Rows - arms close to sides...rowing back and squeezing the scapula blades together with a slight hold...working the back. 5. Shoulder Front to Side Raises-my clients discovered that not much weight is needed here to feel this exercise in the shoulders. 6. Bicep Curls -unilateral(one at a time) curls working the bicep. 7. Tricep-Dips on Bench- 90% bend in those elbows each time as coming down on the bench. My clients were looking forward to toned triceps...no more bat wings. Core: 1. Bicycles - lying on mat...opposite elbow to opposite knee - working abs/core 2. Bird Dog - on all fours on mat- opposite arm out straight and at same time...opposite leg...squeezing that glute(buttocks) muscle each time...slight one-second hold...repeat...great for the spine/core 3. Ab Curl with Legs on Bench - legs up on bench-90% angle bend in knees...works abs/core 4. Plank - great total body...regressed to knees if too hard on elbows...and progression was on hands. Cardio: 40 seconds of exercise for each exercise...moving right into each one...until completed. Mountain Climbers High Knees Battleropes Stretching/Discussion...this was a great opportunity to discuss what they liked/disliked etc. We talked about what protein suggestions have worked for me...Quest Bars/Orgain/Shakes using Magic Bullet for fruits/veggies etc. In addition, I informed them that I would have homework after each session. There homework for today was to practice taking their Resting Heart Rate(RHR) first thing when they wake up. I informed them that this was a great way to see if they are improving in their exercising program. The lower the number...the better. And, if the number is higher than it was at the beginning of their exercise program, it may be an indicator that adjustments may need to be made in the exercise program. Also, I asked them to find a nutritional app that they both liked to monitor their food intake. This accomplishes a few goals: It makes you aware of what you are putting in your mouth every time you eat and it holds you accountable because you have to share it with me each week. And, the best part was as I was loading up my equipment, I overhead them discuss when they were going to workout together again when they werent training with me. I would love to train them everyday, but I only train them two days a week. I applauded them and said that is a great attitude to have and you will see progress that much quicker. I am proud of you both- Elise and Claudia. You have taken the first step with me to a healthier lifestyle. I look forward to our next training session. Due to the fact that this video was fifteen minutes long...there was considerable discussion, assessments of exercises, corrections of exercises, different weights etc....I have only included the medicine ball chest throws...as this was their favorite part! Great job ladies! Im proud of you for taking the first step!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 23:43:35 +0000

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