I am sorry, I think everybody is much too much worrying about this - TopicsExpress


I am sorry, I think everybody is much too much worrying about this typhoon hitting Fukushima Daiichi. It is nonsense. I lived 37 years in Japan and in the Philippines, with many typhoons small, big, extrabig. One thing you always have to remember with ALL typhoons, as long that they are at sea they can be very strong, then once coming from the open sea they first touch land they can hit it very hard, BUT once they continue to cross land ALWAYS gradually they lose speed and power to finally become weak and not dangerous anymore. That Supertyphoon was very strong coming from the sea hitting the extreme Southern archipelago of Okinawa 160 mph, then from there going upward Kyushu big southern island it is losing speed and power, when it will touch Eastern Honshu island, crossing arriving towards Tokyo it will have lost even more power, if continuing to NorthEastern Honshu island, to the Tohoku region of which Fukushima is one of the prefectures it will already much slower 45 mph estimates which do not present any danger for the Fukushima Daiichi structures. The only problem is this typhoon will stirr up all the accumalated radionuclides from the forests of the mountains of Fukushima prefecture (80% of Fukushima prefecture is forest covered mountains) and it will scattered, distributed widely, increasing the quantity of contamination everywhere, that is the real danger, it will increase the contamination level, which will mean more dangers, more risks for the Fukushima people leaving there. Every year Japan, Philppines, Taiwan, Vietnam have many typhoons, most everytime those typhoons arrived into a country entering more or less at the same place. So it usually those same places who get the first hit, and the most damage. No typhoon is ever entering Japan from the NorthEast, always from the Far Southwest of Japan, Okinawa or Kyushu, by the time they cross Japan and reach the Northeast they always became weak on the way and do not cause heavy damages. If you ever lived or if you are living in Japan or Southeast Asia this is common knowledge, so I am sick and tired to see ignorant Westerner dramatizing each typhoon going towards Japan that it will destroy the Reactor 4 and contaminate the whole Northern Hemisphere with its spent fuel pool radiation. Enough please, get real, enough dramatics, 3 years all the time the same bullshit drama when a typhoon get towards is repetitively nonsense. Get real, there are real dangers, the population living in radiation and eating contaminated for 3 years already, this is real danger, not sensationalized bullshit. The very frequent earthquakes sometime 5 or more in the same day, one possible strong coming anyday, that ios real danger, but no the f@%ing typhoons entering from southern Japan 1737 kms away from Fukushima (1079 miles from Fukushima). When they touch Southern Japan those typhoons can be devastating tigers, by the time they reach Fuukushima those tigers shrink into little kitties. Please stop the FB/internat Fukushima typhoon drama once and for all. Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:24:55 +0000

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