I am sorry Jim Davies but today and this one reminded me of you - TopicsExpress


I am sorry Jim Davies but today and this one reminded me of you so much.... we are cleaning out the downstairs rumpus room after it was inhabited by a number of strays and my son for a few months diff son to the one in pool story. Anyway heavy white bucket with tubes and a hole and a cut plastic bottle, use obvious, but still filled with water... I went to empty it only to find my very expensive fish filter I had bought in the bucket and hooked up.... I had been complaining of going to work every day smelling like I had been up to no good... because some one had washed and put some stuff through the clothes drier... and the house stinking... a rather ingenious invention I thought.... we also found my missing vibrator, I will buy myself a new one and before any of that happened I discovered much to my surprise that if you put a white kid (my son), a dark aboriginal, and a dark aboriginal islander mixed person in a swimming pool in winter .... this was not my idea it was theirs and due to cultural stuff I am technically their aunty.... their first idea was to see who could keep their legs in the pool longest as it was so cold, then they got in the pool to see whose testicles would shrink most, several hours later when I asked them why are they still standing in the pool, they said to see if we change colour. Well the out come of that experiment was the aboriginal remained black, my son was the 2nd darkest and the aboriginal islander turned whiter than white. And spending them 3 hours watching them moving furniture (after I defrosted them) was the funniest thing out, I had to change my pants...
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:59:13 +0000

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