I am very fortunate and lucky. I have met all 5 of my guides when - TopicsExpress


I am very fortunate and lucky. I have met all 5 of my guides when I was 28 years old. One really big one who I call Karnak. He is my life support! I have a very tall man by the name of John. He has blond hair and drives a kermit green sandman, which he loves to bits. Another one called Gabreille, she is an African who loves to cook in the kitchen. Her kitchen could do with a make over but she is very old fashioned and still cooks on a wood stove. She also is a guide for my daughter. There is Peralora. She is a Celtic woman who is a herbalist, long black hair that wears green all the time. And last but not least Yarniece. She is Dutch and has long blond plaits falling over the front of her shoulders. We are all blessed with guides. If you want to meet yours, you HAVE to meditate on a regular basis, daily actually. Same time, same place if possible, but not necessary. All you have to do is quieten your mind from chatter, ask to meet them and sit back and watch. This can take years or can be immediate. This will depend on how strong a connection you have with spirit. If you are closed minded, forget it until you are ready to try it. Our guides do not show themselves too much as they want the journey to be about you, not them. If you ever are lucky enough to meet them you will be blown away by the vibration of love that they emit! You will want to stay there forever. But reality is we have jobs to do on this Earth, we are here for a reason and our guides help to make this known to us. Be gentle, slow and at ease with the process. Chuck all judgements out of the window. You can not judge and find your guides support at the same time. If you are afraid..stop. Learn techniques like white light protection and prayer. In the end we are all safe, loved and secure. Mx
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 05:01:55 +0000

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