I am watching the 700 Clubs special Life Beyond the Grave, and - TopicsExpress


I am watching the 700 Clubs special Life Beyond the Grave, and Life Beyond the Grave 2, and you have no idea, what happens, the moment you take your last breath here on earth. you may think, that this life is it, but you would think that, because you can feel, you can see, you can smell, you can hear, and you cant see right now into eternity, but eternity is real, and I used to think that someone couldnt have near death experience, but my former teacher, and now very good friend Yvonne Smith Coselmon has cleared the confusion up for me. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him. But I always stopped there. you see I always thought that we couldnt see Heaven or Hell, yet because to do so, would I thought mean dying. but if you read verse 10 it says these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. I believe that Near-Death Experiences are real, I believe that they could be used for two purposes. first purpose to warn someone, that if they died this is what would happen to them, and second to warn others about the reality of eternity, and that the moment we leave this planet, we will be in either one of two places, either we are going to live with Jesus in Heaven or we are going to spend eternity apart from him forever in Hell, and once you die, thats it, there is no second chance. If you find yourself wondering about life beyond the grave, thats probably the holy spirit, talking to you, again these messages of eternity, is not a message of condemnation, they are messages of warning of what could happen if you make the wrong choice, and encouragement of what could happen if you make the right choice. I believe if you end up in Hell, part of the torture will be remembrances of the times you hade to make it right, and youll long for those opportunities, also you will be reminded of every sin, you made, since you was accountable, I dont think our earthly minds can even conceive what Heaven and what Hell is going to be like, sure we have been given visions, and warnings, but those are just words, words are just describing what they saw, the Rapture is going to happen soon, and blink, the Lord will come in the Blink of an Eye, and he will take those who have made themselves ready, those who have acknowledged that Jesus is Lord and that Jesus died for their sins, thats all you have to do to go to Heaven, you must realize that you are a sinner, and look nobody wants to admit they are a sinner, I mean when I had to come to Christ, I didnt want to acknowledge that I was a sinner, but it was the truth, in is in the word. Romans 3:23 says For All Have Sinned and Fallen Short of the Glory of God. then you must repent, confess your sins, to God, ask for his forgiveness, and guess what!? HE WILL FORGIVE YOU. you must repent of your sins, and then you must turn away from your sins, you must acknowledge Jesus is Lord, and then go and sin no more (willingly) we all will make mistakes we all will stumble and fall, but you are saved by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and even though you may stumble and fall, but you can go and ask for forgiveness, God Loves You, and doesnt want you lost, he doesnt want you Left Behind. the only question is Will You Accept Him?
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 15:20:23 +0000

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