I beg your pardon please, stop weaving these conspiracy theories - TopicsExpress


I beg your pardon please, stop weaving these conspiracy theories that world is after you and ISIS is a conspiracy by the west, no one after Alam e Islam --- Alam e Islam is after its own self since the word go.. When are you going to grow up and assume responsibility of your actions? Please this is not true at all, before 911 were Global Fatwas of Jihad to kill Americans and Jews. These conspiracies theories are no good, from the days of Banu Saqifa to the assassination of three Caliphs and Karbala the internecine wars of Islam have never ended. Khawarijis and Hashishoyoun were not the creation of CIA please there was no CUA then! This old narrative that Kuwait invasion in 1990 by Saddam was masterminded by USA, he was drooling to go after Kuwait to gulp it with all its oil reserves and riches as one its provinces, so is this oft repeated 911 caused more OBLs is defective as is the narrative that drones make more TTP, no it is their heart desire to achieve the opiated dream of making a global caliphate that honestly has been rammed down upon their minds, there was no such thing ever in the history, the internecine wars of Islam are a great tragedies, ISIS has killed more Muslims than anyone else so far. All this merciless killing is wholly inwardly bred, these narratives are totally crap defective and historically pigeon minded, these have absolutely led the Nation of Islam on a wrong path through policies of confrontation and self destruction, this logical fallacy that 911 created more OBLs and drones create more Hakimullahs is reflective of typical political Islamic double speak and extreme hypocrisy, yes true OBL started his Jihad under the tutelage of the US so called imperialism, but he was the small tool to break the USSR, next after Afghan Jihad Saddam invaded Kuwait and gulped it. Saddam forces entered khafji borders near Saudi, Saudis called in the hotline and in came the USA. OBL prime cause célèbre became what did the US forces were invited by Al Saudi to push Saddam back, he also espoused over raped political junkyard of Palestinians cause everyone uses this cause but no one ever wants anything to do with it, he then issued the global Fatwa of universal jihad in 1996 and 1998 demanding killings of every infidel and attacked US Embassy in Kenya, Cole much before 911, OBL was not a creation of 911 he created 911. Hakeemullah and his thoughts is not the creation of Drones, his creeds unstable mindset and insatiable desire to kill that started from the withdrawal of Russians from Afghanistan and the fall of Najeebullah an intra Taliban/ Mujahhadin war that destroyed Kabul. They exactly want to do a Kabul play in the hinterlands of Pakistan, they are ferocious animals ready to tear each other apart, the cause of all this is so called misplaced idea of Jihad fe sabeelullah. Their real twin towers are Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to expedite the occultation and the rapture. Please read my article on attack on the holy Mosques by Jumhiyan clan, this is a very in depth historical wish of perpetual Jihad, nothing is a product of 911 or the Drones. It is the desire to get out of the land locked lands and invade, now with horse galloping not any more effective beyond Attock or Panipat they are manifesting it by killing in Dar ul Harb Pakistan thousands of civilians. It is the bankrupt leadership shallow mid set that rules political Islam that leads to making of these Caliphate movements, Reshmi Rumal movements, ISIS and Alqaeda, no one does it for them, self destruct button is programmed automatically, it is going to be very destructive, you will see it, this is a failed narrative. They destroy their own self please..
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:36:13 +0000

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