I believe our founding fathers would be horrified and outraged - TopicsExpress


I believe our founding fathers would be horrified and outraged with what Obama is about to do to the Constitution and the separation of powers with his illegal executive order on immigration. Obama himself has said repeatedly it would be illegal for him to do what he is about to do: “Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. And believe me, right now dealing with Congress -- believe me -- believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But thats not how -- thats not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. Thats not how our Constitution is written.” — Obama, March 28, 2011, interview with Univision. Now Obama has chosen to not only violate the Constitution, but to ignore the entire 535 members of the US Congress, who represent us. He is also going against the majority of Americans who are completely against this unilateral action. According to a Rasmussen, 53 percent say they oppose the president taking unilateral action while only 34 percent of respondents say they support such a plan. The president has said that he has lost patience with Congress, even though his party controlled both the House and Senate for his first 2 years in office and could have passed any immigration bill he wanted. So he put it off and now he blames the present Congress for his problems. What the president could try doing is persuading more Americans to support a new immigration law and getting it passed through Congress. What he could do is actually enforce the southern border before negotiating a new immigration law, the single thing his opposition has asked him to do for 6 years. Instead, he has decided that going forward as head of the executive he will not only be in charge of executing the laws, but writing the laws as well, basically dissolving the Congress. Its a terribly dangerous precedent which could be used in the future by a Republican president or a president of another party to impose his or he will on us with no recourse. Bad idea.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:10:28 +0000

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