I call BS Barry Darnell October 31 at 8:32pm near Macon, GA - TopicsExpress


I call BS Barry Darnell October 31 at 8:32pm near Macon, GA • The most insidious thing about the Affordable Care Act is that the law means whatever the HHS says it means. This is what struck me as I read the over 2000 pages before it was passed and have been following the unfolding of the absolute power that the Democratic Congress (not one Republican voted for it) handed the Executive branch. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, the President said over and over and over. Now he acts as if the insurance companies are kicking people off their plans and doubling or tripling premiums and co-pays on their own (as if any profitable business would kick off millions of paying customers). They are only following the regulations Mr. Obama and his HHS have written. He could just as easily reverse these regulations and re-instate all those policies that have been cancelled. He has the power. If you are comfortable with The President and HHS having such extreme power over life and health issues, you may not understand or appreciate the concepts of liberty and representative government. Stop the tyranny. Daniel Yoe - As those of us who did take the time to educate ourselves about this monstrosity have been trying to warn our fellow citizens from the day it was first introduced, what is happening now was the plan all along. People with individual health plans are now receiving cancellation notices. People who currently have group insurance through their employees are up next as more and more employers will quickly opt to pay fines instead of being forced to raise their prices to their customers by the swiftly rising cost of the group health premiums. Next, the health insurers will either go out of business or be forced into other lines of business as their customer bases dwindle. Health insurance professionals are now being silenced by Gestapo-styled threats of retribution from the gangsters who have gained control of the government. The goal all along has been to eliminate private health insurance in order to create a single payer (federal government) system. Once the federal government becomes the only source of revenue for the health delivery providers they will quickly fall under the control - and thereby the effective ownership of - the federal government. Unless this monster is killed quickly, it will very soon devour our entire health delivery industry. Anyone who thinks the assault on our private economy will stop with the health care industry is whistling past the graveyard. I should add that the people who actually believed the lies that were being told, and actually thought that the government was going to bring tens of millions of largely unhealthy people into the system, force insurers to start covering pre-existing conditions, create over 100 new federal bureaucracies, hire tens of thousands of new bureaucrats, AND reduce premium costs were so incredibly gullible that a new adjective would have to be invented in order to be able to describe them in one word. Words like naive or moronic dont even begin to capture them. October 31 at 8:53pm • Royce Cato-Robert Daffin - Yes yes yes stop the tyranny!! October 31 at 10:09pm via mobile • Like Roger Brooke - Barry my buddy there is more to obamacare than just, about healthcare, it is a power grab for the socialist libtards November 1 at 7:55am • Like • 2 Gary Donehoo - Well said, Barry! November 1 at 8:52am • Like Mike Bruce - Does it occur to anybody that universal suffrage combined with government schools would, sooner or later, produce our problem - tyranny? November 1 at 8:59am • Edited • Like Marie James - Right on brother! November 1 at 9:03am via mobile • Like Paul Evelyn - Now the IRS and NSA have added you to their list. November 1 at 9:34am via mobile • Like Paul Evelyn - Obama wants this so bad he doesnt care about the consequences; once the poor and the uninsurable (the only demographic to benefit from this law) start getting this entitlement itll be impossible to take away. The young & healthy, and anyone making over $25,000 a year are screwed. November 1 at 9:40am via mobile • Like Doni Helms - Its all part of the plan of the Liar n Chief, his cohorts in the Insurance industry, and the Marxist/Socialist/Progressives pulling the strings... if indeed We The People rise up as a unit and deny this takeover, it can be put down... if we dont... it wont... November 1 at 9:58am • Like Teresa Still Felt - AMEN Doni ! November 1 at 12:29pm • Like Patrick Pritchard - I WANT a single-payer, government operated health care system. I want one like my in laws in the UK have that is efficient, economical and world class. Its a system that the whole country is proud of whether conservative or liberal. I want a health care system that is SMART, not ideological. One that understands that good universal FREE health care is like FREE public schools: it makes our nation more prosperous and appreciative of our liberty. Private health insurance is a n unfair burden to employers, expensive for consumers and doesnt work. Obamacare isnt bad because idiots couldnt get the website working in time or because zealots reaching into the John Birch Society past make claims about it leading to tyranny. Its bad because its a half-way plan that keeps the private insurers and greedy medical establishment skimming off our hard-earned money when we are most vulnerable. We are no more in danger of a slide into tyranny with Obamacare than we are with Social Security. We are very much on the slippery slope to terminal stupidity and laughing-stock nationhood because we have abandoned the genuinely American philosophy of pragmatism and have embraced a Founding Fatherism Fetish that never existed in 1776 and is a fantasy now. Put some smart, quiet, pragmatic folks in places of power in Washington and then shut up and let them do OUR work. Yesterday at 1:41pm • Unlike • 2 Barry Darnell - Pat, if you can convince the majority of Americans through their elected representatives that a single payer system is best, we can have one. Unfortunately, in this case, the President and the Democrats in Congress knew a single payer system could not pass into law, so they came up with this power grab and lied about what the law would do. They have lost all credibility and the American people do not trust them in the healthcare arena any longer. Its not even about healthcare, its about power and control, something I would think old Lefties could see and be wary of. 21 hours ago via mobile • Like • 2 Shawn Keating - People keep saying how wonderful single payer is, but when given the chance they flock to Americas medical system, especially from Canada. Or at least they used to... Terminator-Rise of the Death Panels coming to a town near you! 21 hours ago • Like Patrick Pritchard - I dont see any of the larger philosophical issues you interject into the discussion, Barry. From where I sit it looks like a cause searching for a home. Canadians most certainly are not flocking to America for health care. Its this kind of nonsense that keeps the US on an ideological run-away train to nowhere. We have the most expensive, least efficient health care system in all the developed world. For generations conservatives have stonewalled any attempt at health care reform in the name of fiscal responsibility when everyone knows its about keeping the money on the top. God help us if we are ever actually governed by conspiracy theorists Tea Partiers. It will not be a return to the principles of 1776. It will be a return to 1861 South Carolina. To be fair, I am pissed off at Obama and the Democrats. If politicians got what they deserved, they certainly wouldnt deserve to govern. I dont really see an end to the problem though. Thing is, Id rather have the problems that come with struggle for the common good, even if we have to put up with incompetence than with so-called libertarianism that our Founding Fathers ditched in favor of a strong central government and our present Constitution. Too much preachin going on when when what we need are level heads who know how to do the work of the people. Religion doesnt make level heads. It makes martyrs who see invisible powers and principalities behind every bush. Weve got enough real demons in our democracy that require serious attention without prophets of apocalypse spreading their secret hopes. I think we got the government we deserve. We ought to do what we can to make it work instead of trying to tear it down for sport. 19 hours ago • Unlike • 2 Tim Sorrells - A revolution is on the horizon. The American People will rise up against a tyrant 19 hours ago • Like Patrick Pritchard - Thats the silliest prophecy Ive ever heard and I got saved in a Pentecostal church. The American People elected Barak Obama TWICE by popular and Electoral College vote. Thats constitutional. Get over it! Hes your President too. 19 hours ago • Like • 1 Daniel Yoe - Its worth pointing out, Patrick, that Richard Nixon was also elected twice by both popular and electoral college vote. There are provisions in our Constitution that allow us to correct such mistakes. If you approve of what this man has done, thats your privilege. Its also your privilege to make preposterous statements like We have the most expensive, least efficient health care system in all the developed world when, in fact, the United States has, or at least has had up to now, one of the most successful and sought after health care systems in the world. What is not your privilege is to belittle the opinions of others when they disagree with your own. Its Barrys page to do with as he sees fit, but if it were mine, my friend, youd be advised to grow up. And then youd be gone. 18 hours ago • Like Doni Helms - Patrick... you need to stop reading the puffington post and do some research... that way, you wont make completely false statements like the ones you have espoused here, and appear to others that you are a willing fool... of course your ilk has never been too concerned with facts before so why start now, heh... Im amused, every time I hear someone such as you actually put forth the theory that it is your right to tell other people what is in their own best interest... Im amused that you, and those like you, have the audacity to suggest that simply because the Liar in Chief, and his associates in the media, were able to fool enough people into voting for his hope and change, while constantly lying through his teeth about... well... everything; that we should abandon common sense, reason and facts, and trust anything that Socialist/Progressive/Liberals have to say or offer... Is your Marxist oriented ideology so deeply ingrained that you cannot see when someone is blatantly lying to you... are you really that blind... You really should remember the adage... Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open you mouth and remove all doubt... This Liar in Chief is most certainly not my President... he is a pretender, a liar, and someone intent on breaking down the country that I love, with no consequences in mind... he does not care and is committed to implementing singular, governmental control of each and every one of We The People... 15 hours ago • Edited • Like • 1 Buddy Glass - Richard Nixon resigned before he was impeached according to the provisions of the constitution and if you wing nuts are advocating overthrowing the elected government of the United States of America you are the traitors and terrorist and worse that the Taliban. If you dont like it here, leave, you are not welcome 14 hours ago • Like • 1 Buddy Glass - If you think Barack Obama is committed to implementing singular, governmental control of each and every one of We The People... you have been blinded by your own bile. The Grand conspiracy you imagine is the hallmark of your paranoia. Watch out! The devils gonna getcha! Take off tinfoil hats and stop believing your own neurotic BS. 14 hours ago • Like Buddy Glass - When I read the Affordable healthcare act, on page 2022, I found a subliminal message embedded in it that made me want to become a mindless slave to Barack Obama. Go figure 14 hours ago • Like • 1 Daniel Yoe - lol. Did someone say that Nixon didnt resign under the threat of impeachment? If nothing else the comments by the lefties in this thread are illustrative of just exactly how effective the Alinsky tactics of the great divider have been in polarizing our country. Its a good thing hes so committed to uniting the country and bringing about a more civil dialogue. Id hate to see the result if he decided to abandon those often announced commitments and instead follow the lead of some of his idols and mentors on the left even more closely. Traitors and worse than the Taliban and tinfoil hat wearers who have been blinded by your own bile is how much of the left views its fellow citizens who arent sufficiently appreciative of the great deeds of the man who has turned the national discussion into something more resembling a typical night in Beirut than a civilized debate in America. Before you go lobbing any more verbal RPGs at your fellow citizens, Buddy, you might want to brush up on some of the rules of civility suggested by Miss Manners. Just a suggestion. :) 5 hours ago • Edited • Like Buddy Glass - The traitors and worse than Taliban comment was for those who advocated here for the overthrow of the United states government. I stand by that, traitors and worse than Taliban. The tinfoil hats comment was for the growing number of paranoid conspiracy fringe who believe Obama is some kind of fiendish power hungry villain right out of a James Bond movie. I stand by that. As for civility, words like naïve or moronic dont even begin to capture them (your words) will suffice. 43 minutes ago • Like Daniel Yoe - Presumably you also stand by your professed love for the ACA. Maybe for the benefit of those of us who dont consider ourselves to be part of the growing number of paranoid conspiracy fringe who believe Obama is some kind of fiendish power hungry villain right out of a James Bond movie, but instead oppose him because we think we have ample reason to believe that his policies are seriously damaging our country, you could share with us what your favorite part of the process has been, Buddy. Was it when the Speaker of the House pronounced that we would have to pass it in order to find out what was in it? Perhaps it was when the dimocRATs rushed the bill through the reconciliation process in order to avoid having to take a legitimate vote on it after the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Was it the oft repeated lie that if you like your plan you can keep your plan? (Oops, according to the New York Times, that wasnt a lie, he simply misspoke dozens of times over a period of 3 years. My bad.) Or was it - and this is my personal favorite - when the POTUS declared over and over that it wouldnt add one dime to our deficits and that the average family would see its health insurance premiums reduced by $2,500, when, in fact, it turns out that it will explode the deficits and the average family is seeing its health insurance premiums skyrocket? Another favorite was when he denied having ever said that he favored a single payer system because it would be too disruptive after having been captured on tape several times declaring that he happen(s) to be a proponent of a single payer health care plan. Most lefties love that one. Another one is the preposterous contention that virtually everyone in the country would have coverage upon implementation of the ACA. Did you like that one as well? And, tell me, can you think of more effective adjectives than naive or moronic to describe the people who actually believed what he was saying about the panacea that the ACA was going to create while reducing healthcare premiums? I have just one more question for you if you dont mind taking the time to answer (and I know who much patience lib/prog/lefties have when it comes to answering questions about the deeds of this man). Why is it that people on the left appear to have such an endless tolerance for constantly being deceived and misled by leftist politicians? I dont think its as simple as saying that you just like being lied to, because you always have the good judgment to be infuriated when you think a right-leaning politician is doing the same thing. Most of the population mistrusts all politicians and dislikes being lied to by any of them. I have an honest curiosity to know why its ok by lib/prog/lefties when theyre being lied to by dimocRATs and why they go out of their way to excuse and justify it. Its a long post with alot of questions, I know. Id really be interested in your answers, though. 18 minutes ago • Like Buddy Glass - Then there are the preposterous statements made by fools of my ilk as we are called here. My ilk said...We have the most expensive, least efficient health care system in all the developed world. By any objective measure, this is a true statement. Even conservatives will agree the costs of health care are breaking the back of our nation. The argument is complicated and it is hard to tease out the individual threads of the conversation, especially if your fear and rage (bile) is clouding everything you see. I and me ilk are not questioning the quality of Americas health care. It may well be the best in the world. We are saying the costs and efficiencies are derailing the train and bankrupting what is left of the middle class . If cant argue the facts you and your ilk confuse the issues with generalities and platitudes that play on peoples fears and insecurities. You should remember the adage if you dont understand the arguments stay out of the conversation. I am amused buy.... well nothing here 16 minutes ago • Like Daniel Yoe - Thats just silly. Our healthcare here is more expensive than it is in most countries for the same reason that a Maserati costs more than a Yugo. And the cost of healthcare wasnt even close to breaking the back of the nation. That was nothing more than a myth being peddled by the snake oil salesmen on the left. Since our foolish government has embarked on the path of the ACA, weve seen the largest jump in history in the cost of health care. Thats not to suggest that I dont think theres anything we can do to improve the system and reduce the costs. There are a number of market based initiatives that could be undertaken to help the situation - among them are the elimination of the prohibition of selling insurance across state lines tort reform, but the political establishment, particularly those on the left, resist such common sense reform with a passion. The cost of health care in the USA began its ascent to the sky in 1965 when the federal government instituted Medicare and Medicaid and began its incessant, uneducated interference in the health care markets. If we were really serious about reducing the costs and improving the system, we would be moving to get the federal government and its corrupt politicians the hell OUT of our healthcare system and not inviting them in to screw it up any more than they already have. Now, are you going to seriously address any of my questions? If not, say so and we can end this without having to type any more. 9 minutes ago • Like Buddy Glass - It is either true or not true whether health care is breaking the bank, and our claims here for one side or the other will not change it 7 minutes ago • Like Buddy Glass - touché I say! If this is not serious enough, I’ll try to step it up 6 minutes ago • Like Buddy Glass - You claim it turns out that it will explode the deficits and the average family is seeing its health insurance premiums skyrocket Really? It turned out that way? The average family is seeing insurance premiums skyrocket? Another example of rhetoric and subterfuge in place of facts. I call BS.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:54:26 +0000

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