I can never understand this tendency of people to constantly - TopicsExpress


I can never understand this tendency of people to constantly compare one artist or singer to another. You see it all the time on YouTube videos Oh Miley Cyrus is SOOOO much better or Demi Lavato is such a better singer! Why does there even have to be a comparison? Why cant people just appreciate the individuality that exists in everyone and just enjoy what each individual person has to share rather than constantly having to compare them to someone else? You really create a sad world for yourself when you place such expectations on everyone around you, and cant just appreciate something for what it is. Even if you dont like how a person does something, what benefit is it to anyone at all, to say so? Im reminded of that old saying, if you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. The internet has offered people a level of protection, and the ability to express their judgements from behind a computer screen, and say things they would never say to your face in person, because that would just not be socially acceptable. But somehow the internet has provided this safe place where people can attack each other personally, without any of the repercussions that would come from doing so in person. Very interesting psychology involved there.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:21:50 +0000

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