I cannot believe two years ago today I was 32 weeks pregnant - TopicsExpress


I cannot believe two years ago today I was 32 weeks pregnant eating dinner with my family, when I started feeling contractions. I went home thinking there is no way these are actual labor contractions... since I was not due for another two months. I had been living in Lubbock going to school and working my whole pregnancy, and just happened to be in town ( Plano) staying with my parents, for my baby shower that was in two days. The contractions just kept coming harder and more frequent until finally I woke my mom up and told her that I thought I was in labor or that something was wrong and I should probably go to the hospital. She immediately took me to the emergency room, and I remember the whole time I was thinking, there was no way I was actually in labor it was way to soon! I am probably just being over dramatic about braxton hicks contractions. I was fully expecting them to send me home that night.... I had no idea what was actually going to happen. Once the doctor checked me she was shocked that I was already dilated to a 4 and in full on labor! Needless to say I was in a complete panic and confused..... 2 months early?? I was not ready yet! There is no way this is happening.... They tried to stop my labor, which did not work... So I was in labor without an epidural or any pain medication for over 13 hours until Liam could not wait to make his appearance any longer ! It was a very unexpected and scary experience. They took Liam away immediately and so I was not able to hold my baby until he was 4 days old.... Still cannot believe that this was two years ago,( geeez does time fly).... but so grateful that Liam is happy and healthy. I never thought I would ever have a 2 month premature baby that would have to stay in the NICU for a month... you never think certain situations will happen to you until they do. You never think you are strong enough to handle certain situations until you are forced into the situation, and being strong is your only option. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and know that God was watching over me and Liam and gave us the strength to make it through! Liam is my miracle baby
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:39:21 +0000

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