I cannot for the life of me GET why SOME STORIES make NATIONAL TV - TopicsExpress


I cannot for the life of me GET why SOME STORIES make NATIONAL TV and SOME DONT ... well I can and EXPLOITATION” and some people ‘LOVE the ATTENTION so much they ‘ignore being exploited’. This is not new … I will start with I am old … I get that … when I was a youth, “children exploited” consisted of Captain Kangaroo having you on his show and announcing your name or Romper Room’s Magic Mirror calling out your name … SIMPLE harmless things that was in retrospect things that propped up your self esteem … Nowadays to “get National Media Coverage” you have to “go viral” or get ONE of the four 24 Hour News Channels’ to “pick it up”. CASE is point, the Ferguson, Missouri. This incidence goes viral … now I have to ASK WHY? Why does the NEWS pick up this case and say, NOT the CASE of the White infant shot to death in a stroller by 2 Black teens in Savannah, Ga. (and before YOU “chime in” with ‘well this happened that happened’ when the STORY BROKE, NO ONE KNEW the FACTS … PERIOD, OTHER than a White 1 year old was SHOT in the HEAD by 2 Black Teens … That was ALL THAT WAS KNOWN, yet the Media ‘blew it off’). The Ferguson Case was BLOWN way out of proportion BEFORE the FACTS were EVEN conveyed … I’m not saying it was “RIGHT OR WRONG” I’m just saying and AGREEING that a Jury of 12 saw, listened to, and decided a verdict BASED ON FACTS presented to them and they ALL came to that conclusion. So you DON’T LIKE their CONCLUSION? AND that “GIVES YOU THE RIGHT to DESTROY another, FELLOW CITIZENS BUSINESS just BECAUSE you DISAGREE with a JURY, chosen of your friends, co-workers, possible relatives, or at least Community Members and a RIOT is started? REALLY? And ONCE a convenience stores windows can’t be broken into with a BASEBALL BAT, you MOVE to the NEXT BUSINESS beside HIM (which is pretty cool that you can sell BOTH Meat and Liquor in the SAME STORE, but I digress) … THIS IS WRONG People … TOTALLY WRONG! The person that opened both stores, worked hard to OWN that business, KEEP IT GOING, MAKE PAYROLL, afford insurance, etc., etc. and you REWARD an INNOCENT BYSTANDER by LOOTING their BUSINESS in HONOR of ANYONE? Much less a guy with a “rap sheet”???? REALLY? So a LAW ABIDING Citizen HAS LESS RIGHTS than someone else … MUCH LESS someone that has a “record?” I have SEEN many “OPINIONS” posted on here about this and I am pretty sure that my friends … AND BEFORE you “jump to conclusions” I’m’a angry old white guy, look at my friends list … pretty much includes my Minority friends, Gay friends and EVERYONE ELSE … so stop that crap! I will TELL you WHO I believe are at fault and this MAY be CONTROVERSIAL … SO DO NOT STOP READING … I “grew up in the Era” of Dr. Martin Luther King and I’m pretty sure he’d support me for saying that people like the “Rev.” Al Sharpton for “some of the Good” he has done has created as much if not more animosity as has Jesse Jackson for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR … Both mentioned, “followed” Dr. King but MISSED HIS ENTIRE POINT in the “I have a Dream Sermon” … Sadly, it appears “their Dream became diluted with ‘I see MONEY’ more so than I can “Be the BRIDGE to close the ‘gap’” than Dr. King’s” … And I HOLD by this to this day … You SEE, I grew UP watching Dr. King SAY THIS and his ANSWER was NEVER VIOLENCE. Yes he “MARCHED” but it was NEVER a VOILENT MARCH … EVEN WHEN HE WAS ATTACKED during the 60’s. He HELD FACE and CONTINUED TO SHOW HIS SUPPORT for HIS CAUSE and DID so peacefully KNOWING that PEACE is the ONLY ANSWER and that VIOLENCE PRECEEDS MORE VIOLENCE. Great Man, such a Shame his life was “CUT SHORT” too early … I am going to add some video’s that show REVERSAL (I call them HATE CRIMES) that NO ONE protest and NO ONE BURNED DOWN STUFF) … Please FEEL FREE TO COMMENT BELOW youtu.be/iD246Wk2DT0?list=PLkqznQp9RRA_dJZChq-GBnQBCo8DONmTW
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:16:37 +0000

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