I commented on someones post and wanted to share here as well and - TopicsExpress


I commented on someones post and wanted to share here as well and then some lol Erica and jessica trust me im country folk too and i know what you mean about feeling like it takes the country out of ya but nothing takes the country out like being a vegetable in bed without your horse lol i hated them and got frustrated when people nagged me about wearing a helmet because im country through and through and trust my horse i know what im doing i know my horse and i could feel their slightest tension and body changes and correct the issue before it was an issue . Guess what crap happens lol simple as that! Its not called bolting for nothin! ;) I have def learned the hard way but please please please from one country girl, trainer, mother, wife and daughter to another spare your family the potential grief and pain of watching you struggle to walk speak and feed yourself or even use the bathroom on your own from an accident. They are accidents for a reason....unexpected usually unprovoked accidents. Its humiliating having someone dress you shower you take you to the bathroom (not to mention mother nature week each month ugh horrible!) It may feel like loosing a bit of cowgirl country wearing a helmet but its far better than loosing your bodily cowgirl functions! Much love to you and your family i hope you will consider putting a helmet on and pushing through the adjustment of wearing one....its def an adjustment but a worthwhile one! Did you know cowboy hats were created back in the day as PROTECTION? If they had the technology we have now i believe they would have been wearing helmets from the very beginning as their protection gear. Cowboys/girls cared about their heads and WANTED TO PROTECT it :) Wearing a helmet does not change who we are, the knowledge we have or the level of riding experience we possess....it does NOT change who we are or make us any less cowgirl! It saves our families the pain and grief of watching you struggle after an accident, it shows confidence, awareness, preparation for the unexpected, it shows that you are wise and care about the future. we are lucky to have the technology we have so take advantage of it and for those western riders like me dont pay attention to criticism from others who do not wear one. I guarantee you those judgmental people who embarrase you for wearing a helmt or bully you into taking it off are not the ones that will be washing and wiping you when you get a head injury and cant take care of it on your own. heck ask them if they are willing to move into your house and take care of everything for a year while you recover...see what they say then lol Educate them and tell them you have a dear friend who is learning to function as an independent cowgirl again and you dont need to go through it yourself to make the change. Stand up for yourself and simply protect that sensitive brain (its way more sensitive than you think) and enjoy your horse in safety HELMETS ARE NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS BUT RATHER A SIGN OF STRENGTH AND KNOWLEDGE! please continue to share my helmet crusade, you never know who it may touch and cause a shift in their thoughts of helmets
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:31:04 +0000

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