I cried myself to sleep 2 nights ago thinking about these 30,000 - TopicsExpress


I cried myself to sleep 2 nights ago thinking about these 30,000 families surrounded by ISIS on top of a mountain in Iraq. No water, food and in fear of their lives not knowing when death is coming. Not knowing if they are going to have to witness their children being executed right in front of them. For what?? Because they believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and the only begotten Son of God. Then I seen a video on the news of one of the women speaking to the world saying, Where is everyone?? No one is coming... No one cares. Please help us! And than I see some of these holier than thou, and theyre silence is DEAFENING... THESE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE. These are the ones who claim to carry the banner of Christ. Silence!! Crickets!! But they sure can post about how to act and treat others and how great their faith in God is or the funny joke of the day. I can now see how the holocaust happened. 6 million Jews dead before anyone cared. Then you want to attack me because your children may see a pic? Better your children see the pic and have a VOICE of a trumpet condemning this than becoming the pic itself. Im no one. I dont have any doctorates, masters or Phds in anything. But I have a VOICE and if it takes a pic for you to use yours than so be it.. I cant go there and help and Im sure most of you cannot either. But that doesnt mean I have to stay silent. That doesnt mean I ignore it like its in a faraway land. America YOUR world is about to be SHOOK to is core and than your going to ask yourself when the world is silent, How did this happen? How did this come to be? And you know what your gonna hear?? Crickets!! Silence!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:20:14 +0000

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