I didnt want to do this...I didnt even Like or Comment on anyones - TopicsExpress


I didnt want to do this...I didnt even Like or Comment on anyones status but if I dont do it, Tracy Kamp- Stevens will make a huge issue out of it so, for the love of jeebus, here we go with 20 stupid random facts about me. Shes lucky shes my BFF. Most will be known because Im an open freaking book. 1. I hate clowns, birds, junebugs and spiders. And snakes. And snow. 2. My dog was named after the bar in Threes Company. 3. If I dont see Jimmy Buffett at least once a year, I consider it a bad year. With the exception of when I had Jackson, Ive gone every year since I was 15. Thanks Norman! 4. Im a mad crier. If you see me crying, you should probably stay away because I will probably come out swinging. 5. I have an addiction to rearranging furniture. Ask Megan or Lauren. 6. I love books. My house is flooded with bookshelves and I still have boxes of books that I have no more shelf space for... 7. Im terrible at card games. Poker, Eucher, Canasta, Crazy 8s...all of them...terrible. If I win, its a total fluke. 8. I seriously have no distinguishable talent. I can do a few things, but not well enough that I would flaunt any of them. 9. I love crossword puzzles. There are probably a dozen crossword books around this house that keep me occupied. 10. I love Whiskey and Bloody Marys. I should thank my Grandpa Jack for my insane tolerance and love of good whiskey and my Uncle Ben (with my Grandma Reynolds approval) for giving me my first Blood Mary at the tender age of 15...but I only drink about 3 times a year. 11. Im a pretty good Aunt. My nieces and nephews are amazing kids. It helps that I had a lot of awesome aunts that set the bar pretty high. 12. I try to get to Florida at least twice a year. One day, however, we are going to go and Joshua will probably not come back to Indiana. Each time we get ready to leave I wonder Am I driving back to Indiana by myself? 13. My favorite number is 13. 14. I took my mom to her first Jimmy Buffett concert. Other than getting her beer knocked out of her hands, making left hand turns, driving the interstate at dark and being invaded by the weird stinky family, she had a good time and got to mark something off her bucket list. 15. I have tattoos and would love to get more. 16. I cant bake. If it involves flour and the oven, dont expect me to make it. 17. I cant sleep well without the TV on. And the room has to be cold. All year round. Like high 50s or really low 60s. 18. About 30 years ago, I left on vacation right after school ended for the summer with my grandparents to go see my aunt and uncle for a few days. When it was time to go, I refused to leave. I didnt come home until 48 hours before school started. I had my own room, a pool pass and a library card. Why would I want to leave? 19. My musical taste is across the board. I will listen to anything and retain most of it. In the mornings growing up and after school, Carol always had the stereo going. 20. Jackson literally makes me laugh every single day. He doesnt even realize how insanely funny he is. There. Done. And if anyone comments or likes this, dont worry...I will NOT assign you any sort of number.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:57:53 +0000

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