I do my best to not post too many statuses regarding my familys - TopicsExpress


I do my best to not post too many statuses regarding my familys personal lives because I feel that if we knew each other personally -it wouldnt have to be a status. However, today, as my son Cambron & I drive to the Little Rock Childrens Hospital for a specialized, emergency surgery I am asking for your prayers and thoughts. About a year ago he started complaining of intense pain & cramping in his knees and we quickly dismissed it as growing pains. However, during basketball season we began to notice he didnt run, he limped 24/7, and at the end of the day he would be almost paralyzed with what seemed to be arthritis or intense growing pains...after visiting with doctors & the fact that there was no direct trauma to his legs they said it was prob growing pains.But a few weeks ago as he hobbled out of football practice and literally dragged his lower half through the house because he couldnt walk I decided to demand extensive medical testing to figure this out. Initial tests went well, X-rays were clear, and then we had an MRI done...the MRI revealed torn ligaments on his right and left hip as well as fractures in his left hip resulting from a condition that is mostly seen in adolescent males called slipped capital femoral epiphysis in which the leg bone basically slips away from the hip joint due to obesity or in his case ...a big growth spurt. Over time this condition if untreated causes rapid deformity, arthritis, or permanent immobility. So, a week later we are headed to the childrens hospital to see one of the only surgeons in the state qualified for an emergency hip surgery where they will place metal rods/pins in each hip. As you can imagine for a kid that just started 8th grade football at a new jr high school this is a big deal and for me its a lot to add to the already full plate I manage on my own. Surgery is at noon....please pray with me for success and full recovery. Thank you! :)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:14:27 +0000

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