I do not believe in the Biblical God. It doesnt make me a bad - TopicsExpress


I do not believe in the Biblical God. It doesnt make me a bad person. Tell me exactly why you believe in God. Because of the Bible? You cant just pick and choose which parts to agree with, thats not true Biblical faith. Rather, you believe in a higher power, a higher power that allows you to make mistakes and excuse them because he died for your sins. I mean no disrespect because I cant prove the bible entirely wrong either. I forgive myself for my mistakes when I realize Ive learned from the situation. The difference is that my beliefs dont make me feel like I have to degrade others because they dont agree with me. I respect your religion and I think my beliefs about not just human existence, but the existence of everything in the universe deserves equal respect. I dont define myself by my mistakes or sins. I use them as a tool to learn and grow. I believe in quantum physics as my proof. Though most topics in the field of quantum physics is still theoretical, the math behind the theories is either definite or shows a correlation or pattern thats continuously ongoing. Im fairly educated in the field of quantum mechanics. How many of the offensive and rude Christians have read the bible from front to back? I understand that some people have, but the majority havent. Compared to the size of the entire Christian population, only a few have truly devoted themselves to reading the Bible. Then, these few have chosen which parts they like and want to preach their favorite parts of the Bible to the people in the pews. This is how church denominations came to be. In creating the denominations, many of the leaders (from pastors and priests to popes and bishops) have convoluted explanations for certain parts of the bible they dont agree with when asked to explain why these parts were included. Im not claiming to know everything about quantum mechanics, but if I dont know I can look it up. All based on research. Nothing is left to be openly interpreted (other than the reason for our existence, and my explanation for the reason were here is the point of this entire post). Im stable enough mentally to accept that there are many unknowns about the creation of not just man but of the entire universe. I do not feel the need to fill this void with religion. Instead, I take pride in now trying to uphold my morals from this day forward so that I can leave my impression on the universe in the most amazingly positive way that I can. This doesnt make me a bad person. I believe that every individual is their own god, in a sense. Every living (and nonliving) person, animal, or thing serves a purpose. Each person makes conscious decisions in life, and though thats a big part of contributing positively, theres more to it. For example, you dont think about every tree you pass on your daily route to school or work. if you took all of the trees away, your sense of familiarity with the route would change. Often, it would make people uncomfortable because of their perceptual set. The way you see the world is heavily influenced (and biased) by your own past experiences, expectations, motivations, beliefs, emotions, and even your culture. A single tree does not intend to be perceived in that way. No, instead, the cells of the tree each work like their own little system... EACH ONE... Contributing to the continual growth of the tree. All together they make up one tree, but if you didnt have your five senses to perceive anything with, youd never make it from point (A) to point (B) because you have to continuously perceive the world around you to make new connections in your mind. This is done subconsciously. Nothing intends to be perceived subconsciously but the subconscious perception of the world around us is what makes life, both that of plant AND animal, so amazing. Everythings goal is to touch and leave an impression on everything that perceives it. This should be done in whatever way you consider to be positive. This can also be done consciously or unconsciously. If youre aware of others subconscious minds, you can do this in the most effective, positive way you possibly can. And then based on what that fellow living being learns from you (consciously or subconsciously), it will change their future perspective. The best example I can give is that of my own. Two of the most important people in my life were both art teachers. They offered me an outlet, and allowed me to create. I had so few friends growing up, but I always had a pencil and paper to draw. Now, Im studying to be an art teacher because I want to show kids that there is that outlet that no one can take away from them when they feel trapped. Even if not a single one of my students wants to start teaching art later in life, I can still allow them to take away from the experience in my classroom in a positive way. The artist controls the outcome of his or her art in one way or another. Its not like any other school subject in that each piece of art is unique. Artists develop their own styles. Art is both literally and figuratively what you make it. I realized that offering an outlet so dear to my heart to children was a conscious decision based on my subconscious desire to contribute in the most positive way to the universe that I can. I believe that within each of our souls, there is a higher power. As far as a higher power being the reason that were here, I can neither credit nor discredit this concept. What makes my thoughts different from religion is that Im ok not knowing. If everyone lived to spread nothing but love and positivity instead of arguing about something that NO ONE truly knows, the world would be different, and in a good way. We are all connected to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically. -Neil deGrasse Tyson
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:57:17 +0000

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