I do not merely BELIEVE that 2 + 2 = 4; I UNDERSTAND that 2 + 2 = - TopicsExpress


I do not merely BELIEVE that 2 + 2 = 4; I UNDERSTAND that 2 + 2 = 4. I dont need to take anyones word for it. I dont need to look it up in a book. It is a piece of truth that I have made my own. (I assume you have, too.) Its when we go up against faith-based BELIEFS, things people accept only because someone told them, that rational discussion breaks down. At the moment, I am NOT talking about what most people call religion, but I AM talking about the most prevalent, and most dangerous, RELIGIOUS belief in history: the belief in government. By far the biggest challenge with the interactive project Im working on (see the link below) is the fact that when someone has a BELIEF that was reached WITHOUT reason or logic, their rational faculties try really hard to not even LOOK at the ideas objectively. There have been a lot of displays of that phenomenon in action right here on my Facebook page. When I simply ask them to be clear and specific about what THEY believe and advocate, without evening arguing or asserting anything myself, statists routinely go into the most bizarre conniption fits. Now, when Im just debating on Facebook, I dont mind watching them trap themselves, freak out, have tantrums, and run away. It makes for an interesting study of the psychosis that is statism. But for the project, the key will be getting PAST those psychological triggers that make people NOT think about stuff--getting people to actually consider things rationally without getting all emotional and insane. And it can be done, but accomplishing that is far more difficult and complex than just explaining the self-evident concepts of non-aggression, self-ownership and voluntaryism. Whats really damn frustrating, however, is that I cant really explain or show HOW the whole thing works, until the whole thing is finished! (Which I realize sounds a little like, We have to vote it into law so we can find out whats in it.) For now, Ill just say this: when YOU have tried to get others to see the obvious truth and morality of voluntaryism/anarchism, its a safe bet that almost all of the problems, pitfalls or failures you experienced were NOT about philosophy or logic nearly as much as they were about superstition, blind faith, and psychological denial. Wouldnt it be really dang cool if there were a tool that could actually get PAST those mental obstacles, so most of your family, friends, and the rest of the world could see what YOU now see? Well, there is GOING to be. But the more people who support it, the faster it will be a reality. (End of commercial.) freedomsphoenix/Funding/Project/000010/Unlocking-the-Cage/
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:10:58 +0000

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