I dont care what anyone says--horror fans are diverse. Im always - TopicsExpress


I dont care what anyone says--horror fans are diverse. Im always curious about what kind of a horror fan Im talking to when someone at work (I work at a movie rental store--yes they still exist) asks me to recommend one. Heres a list Ive compiled so far of the different types of horror movie fans Ive come across. Did I miss any big ones? The Gorehound - You like your movies bloody. The bloodier the better. If the credits are rolling without a single decapitation or evisceration, you feel gypped. Your favorite horror sub-genre is probably slasher films. Whether you think copious amounts of entrails are funny, awesome, or just the coolest of special effects, your favorite movies are the ones with the guts to bring us...well, guts. The Paranormaphile - You like ghosts. Well, ghosts, spirits, demons--as long as its some kind of supernatural creep, youre all for it. You love the idea of hauntings, possessions, and sinister entities terrorizing our heroes to the point of madness. When a shadowy apparition suddenly appears in the bathroom mirror, everyone around you screams while you bounce up and down in joy. You probably like this sort of thing because you are either very interested in the occult, or you just plain hope that theres some really rad afterlife in which you can scare the bejesus out of people to pass the eternity. The Creature Seeker - You love monsters. Giant spiders? Mutated sharks? Aliens? Piranhaconda? You might be a sucker for a ScyFy original, or any movie with a monster you can get behind. Gigers xenomorph quite probably changed your entire life. You might not pay quite as much attention to the details of the plot as you do the storys monster. Where did it come from? How does it look? Does it make an awesomely terrifying sound? How easily can it slice a man in two? All dire questions to the Creature Seeker. You undoubtedly secretly wish that you had a pet monster, or perhaps that you could become one in a moments notice to gore that guy at the grocery store ten people ahead of you in line who insists on paying in pennies. The Scaredy Cat - You have a love/hate relationship with horror. While other horror fans enjoy horror movies because they cant be scared by them, youre just the opposite. You love things that scare you, and most horror movies probably do. You like to curl up on the couch with a blanket, cling to your significant others arm (or maybe just the confused family dog) and shriek in terror at a movie that will give you nightmares into next week. Youre a perfectly contented masochist. The Schlock Fiend - The only thing better than a good horror movie is a bad one as far as the Schlock Fiend is concerned. You scour pawn shop dollar bins for movies that are unnaturally bad--youre an avid devourer of the Troll 2s, Birdemics, and Sharknados of the world. The campier the better! Your idea of a good night is a case of beer and the Nicholas Cage remake of The Wicker Man, an event that inevitably ends in terrible, drunken bee puns. The Nostalgic - The Nostalgic has limited tastes. They have their own definition of The Golden Age of horror and anything outside of that time frame is unworthy of their morbid palate. Movies of today are ever so contrived and blasé, and have allegedly lost something novel that only the movies of yesteryear can offer us. Yeah, the Nostalgic can be a real buzzkill. So which one best describes you? Im definitely a Schlock Fiend first and foremost.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:04:43 +0000

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