I dont like to be in the picayune position of splitting hairs on - TopicsExpress


I dont like to be in the picayune position of splitting hairs on George Galloway, because he is a very prominent and uncompromising Western anti-Zionist voice, who reaches a lot of I/S/Zs on the issue, often precisely BECAUSE his views outside that one issue are really very conventional, and he is very much a POLITICIAN first. AND hes put his ass on the line for his main issue. Apart from that main issue of anti-Zionism, though, I am not even sure I can comfortably call him anti-interventionist, let alone anti-imperialist. He is a Euro-Phile and UN lover through and through, who has expressed no opposition to any EU imperial aggression. On economics, obviously, hes a horror-show of a Keynesian and lover of central-banking, and as a POLITICIAN, he seems to follow the old maxim of the guy across from you is just your opponent, but the guy next to you, hes your ENEMY. In Galloways case that means hes more worried about Farage and Lucas than he is about Cameron, Miliband and Clegg. When the final summary and totals are in, I see him as extremely valuable on Palestine, but merely aight ferastatsist (h/t Jayoh Cryptoast), somewhat more forceful than Kucinich, Conyers, Capuano and Lynch in the USSA, but not nearly in the class of Cynthia McKinney on the broader question of anti-imperialism/non-collectivist, plural, BRICS-Global South/Oppositional solidarity. What can I say, Saul Caldwell, Ry Dawsons interview with Scott Rickard got me connecting a lot of dots where maybe I shouldnt be! presstv.ir/detail/2014/09/01/377376/galloway-raps-westminsters-silence/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:43:07 +0000

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