I felt compelled to share a little story about my day today: One - TopicsExpress


I felt compelled to share a little story about my day today: One word describing what my day was like today...Stressful. I say that as the spouse of a small business owner who has dealt with the good, the bad, and unfortunately sometimes, the ugly. I have always said We work as a team and I have stuck to my word. Today was no exception. The morning started out rough dealing with certain issues, etc. and didnt seem to get better as the day progressed. While stressing and wondering why we cant live in a perfect world where there is no such thing as malice or hatred, I stopped at KFC to grab my kiddos some lunch. There was an older lady in line in front of me whispering something to the girl at the register. The girl said to the lady that she could only choose something small like a side of mashed potatoes or corn. The lady chose the mashed potatoes and proceeded to a far table to eat. When I saw that she didnt pay for her food, I knew....the lady was homeless. I asked the girl at the register if the lady had asked for something else to eat and she said yes but they were only allowed to give the homeless one small side. I then went ahead and placed my order along with an additional meal. I went over to the table where the lady was sitting and gave her the additional bag of food and told her it was for her. The woman was obviously surprised and thanked me as I left. Its lessons like these that give you a wake up call and remind you that life isnt just about making that extra dollar to be happy. Its about being able to help those less fortunate and doing it without expecting anything in return. I am thankful each and everyday for all the blessings God has given me, first and foremost my family. I take this lesson as a sign from Him to always be thankful for what we have because while we may think we have a huge obstacle to overcome, there are others struggling with much more. I am alive and well; have everything I truly need that money cant buy...what more could I ask for? ~*Blessings to all~ We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 04:27:37 +0000

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