I finally watched the movie Noah today. If you have not seen it, - TopicsExpress


I finally watched the movie Noah today. If you have not seen it, and dont want to have it spoiled for you, then stop reading now. I figure its been long enough now since it came out, that most people that cared to see it, would have. So I am not too worried about saying too much and spoiling it. Now I completely understand why Glenn Beck had absolutely nothing good to say about it. That is one of the most pathetic piece of trash interpretations of the story of Noah ever!!! I could go on and on about all of the ridiculous stuff in that movie, but the main thing............ The movie implies that the only reason mankind is alive on the earth today, is because Noah was a failure. Because Noah FAILED to do what God wanted him to do. It implies that Noahs only purpose in building the ark, was to save the animals. And that all of mankind was supposed to die in the flood, INCLUDING Noah and his family, shortly after making sure the animals survived. It even goes so far as, when Noahs kind of adopted daughter that they found toward the beginning of the movie, becomes pregnant, Noah says he must kill her baby when it is born, because mankind must cease to exist. Then when she ends up having twin girls, it is supposedly REALLY bad, because that means she just had two new future baby makers who will repopulate the earth in no time, and that just can not be, because God wanted all of mankind to die with the flood, and only the animals were supposed to survive. So Noah goes to kill both of the babies, but then he cant bring himself to do it, and he apologizes to God for being a failure, and being unable to accomplish what God wanted him to do. What kind of sick twisted psychotic interpretation of the story is THAT!?!?!?! That we people are such a terrible parasite on this earth, that we were actually all supposed to die in the flood, and the ONLY reason Noah had his family with him on the ark, was so that they could help him ensure the safety of the animals, and then they too were supposed to die, and therefore leave the earth to the animals, and returned to a perfect, human free state. I mean, holy freaking wackadoodle sweet mother of mercy!!! I could not believe what I was watching! Having not seen it myself when Glenn Beck gave his review of the movie, I didnt understand why he was so blown away by it. But now I know!! He was absolutely right! We are to believe that mankind would not exist on the earth today, if only Noah had not been such a week useless man, and had done the will of the father, and murdered those babies, and made sure that mankind died shortly after the animals were rescued. Complete utter nonsense!!! I am so disturbed by this idea that we people are simply a parasite on the planet. That the planet was perfect before we came along and destroyed it. How in the world, do you take a story out of the bible; the same bible that talks about the creation, and that man was PUT HERE on the earth BY GOD, and somehow so drastically misinterpret the other part of the bible, and come to the conclusion that we are a parasite that needed to be eliminated?!!?!?! And furthermore........On what planet, does any interpretation of the story of Noah in the bible EVER portray giant rock people (Watchmen angels encrusted in rock because of their disobedience to Heavenly Father)??!?!? Seriously?!?! Giant rock creatures that crush people, and fling people around like little rag dolls, and help build the ark? And where does it talk about Noah planting a single seed and an entire forest growing up all around them in a matter of seconds??!?!! And where in the bible does it mention Cain hacking his way through the side of the ark, and coming aboard and trying to recruit Ham to help kill Noah? I dont remember that. So yeah..... I feel as though I lost a few brain cells today as I watched that ridiculous movie! I mean, sure the effects were cool, and yes I love Emma Watson, so it was nice to see her, but the writer/director of that movie, had to have seriously been smoking crack along every step of the, writing, directing, and production process of that movie. It should be viewed as nothing more than humorous fiction. I think fictional movies are great. I love fictional movies. But when you take a real live event such as Noah and the Ark, and you create a multi million dollar movie, and you portray it as this awesome movie about a real life event, or even about a story from the bible, either way, you darn well better make it accurate. If you are not going to make some effort to make it accurate, then make it obvious that it is a fictional story. I guess thats part of the problem though. Many people believe that the bible itself is nothing more than fiction. And I guess if you believe the bible to be fiction, then, that opens up all kinds of doors to take the Stories within it, and twist them around to fit whatever kind of psychotic, delusional fantasy world that you want to create for your movie. That is all for now. This has been a review of the movie Noah, by LaRell Herbert :-)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:53:40 +0000

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