I find it stunning almost to the point of numbness that the - TopicsExpress


I find it stunning almost to the point of numbness that the Israelis can lie through their back teeth & there is no recourse whatsoever, yet whenever any activist or writer may have erred ever so slightly, were jumped upon from a great height! Just now some idiot told me to remove the Attenborough post or else! So I blocked his sorry arse! You see these very same people never so much as question anything that comes out of Netanyahus putrid mouth! And Im not talking about whether a quote by DAVID ATTENBOROUGH is genuine or not! Im referring to the kind of lies that portray the Palestinians as the aggressors or compares the home-made rockets fired from Gaza into Israel with the neighborhood destroyers that pound Gaza from tanks & Drones every day! Worse still - what about the lies conjured up by Wolfowitz, Perle & Feith in order for their Zionist partners in the media to make the shoddy case for an illegal war against Iraq? It seems to not matter one iota the unparralleled damaged caused by the blatant lies of Zionists yet I put something up, WHICH INCIDENTALLY MAKES PERFECT SENSE & IS ENTIRELY TRUE & people tell me to be careful? Well if you dont like it why dont you get your own house in order first! All Zionists ever do is tell one lie after another! I for one will not succumb to anyone who stands up for the Israelis because ultimately these people believe mass-murder is not just acceptable but necessary!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:32:45 +0000

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