I find this Turkey Pardoning thing fascinating, and in many ways - TopicsExpress


I find this Turkey Pardoning thing fascinating, and in many ways as flawed in so many levels, yet symbolic and regarded as a powerful iconc American tradition. I find it amusing that the Pardoning of the Turkey is a bit befuddling to Obama. It occurs to me that most great visionary leaders whether perceived as good or bad presidents... most great men are flawed. Most of us humans have our flaws but maybe we arent running a country but on our personal scale perhaps some epic blunders may have occurred. I think Bill Clinton was a visionary leader, to some that means he lead with bullshit, to me it means he had a vision and we embraced it, some of us, and that just may be some greatness. As great a man is he seems to have the equal and opposite capacity for flaws. It reminds me that Normal is a setting on a Clothes Dryer and through all of the great things about our country, and all the things we have to be grateful for, we maybe should pardon more than that Turkey. We should forgive others and ask for our own misdoings to be forgiven, that our stepping on the toes of our fellows whether they be from days of yore to present day, Native Americans, to fellow citizens of diverse beliefs and culture, all of that can be pardoned. God has dropped the charges. We can all give thanks together and be grateful. Im certainly grateful we can have very different opinions, ideas of religion, faith, morality, sports, whatever... there are still countries that cannot tolerate divergent opinion from the oppressing rule. We all get a free soapbox here and Ill fight for your right to rage against my opinions any day because that is far more progressive than taking up hate or group acts of violence or grandstanding. There is injustice, and unfairness in life for each of us at times, and we are all uniquely flawed and uniquely gifted with potential for greatness. Its an ofdd rambling thought, Im sure, to most... I guess my point is ... Thanksgiving for me I think is to be grateful to be here, to pardon all Turkeys, even of the human persuasion and look for the similarities in people rather than differences. So pardon me for saying so, but... Thanks Obama. Thanks. For Pardoning that Turkey and maybe we can all pardon a turkey or two, drop the charges and be forgiving, humble and grateful we are here, hopefully with our family and friends, and may we all just get along, live and let live. Peace to all, enjoy your Holiday!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:51:33 +0000

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