I had a thought. The beauty of truth—Psalm 25:5—there is - TopicsExpress


I had a thought. The beauty of truth—Psalm 25:5—there is nothing more wonderful than the truth. Truth is a beautiful word, and the opposite of truth is lies. Did you know there is no in-between? Truth is everything good and wonderful that God says about you, and everything that He has done, is doing, and is going to do. Lies come only from the enemy, and they are an ugly trick—twisting the things of God. Satan can’t create thoughts, for he himself is created—but he can twist thoughts, bending the truth into lies, because he is the father—the originator—of lies. He is the lie inventor. People didn’t begin to lie until the devil did it first. Whenever you have a thought, it is either from God, or the enemy. If your thoughts speak life and light into you, than they are God-inspired. Either God is declaring His truths over you, or you are declaring them over yourself—either way, they are good thoughts! If they are negative thoughts that go against what God’s word says about you, than they are the lies of the enemy! Even when other people say things, the thoughts that you form about what those people said will either reflect what God says, or what Satan says. God created thoughts, words and ideas. Think about it! You can’t think independently—you’re thoughts are always influenced. No thought comes from yourself, because everything that you think is based upon what you’ve been told—either by God, or Satan. You’ve got to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2nd Cor. 10:5—“We demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”)—only then can you have the mind of Christ. You have to let God influence your thoughts, and rebuke the enemy’s arguments and excuses. Satan is sneaky because he’s a coward. He’s not gonna throw something directly at your face—it would be too easy for you to recognize; he’ll try to side swipe you with sugar-coated lies. Don’t let him do it! Make the choice to walk out in the truths that God speaks over you. If your thoughts make you feel yucky or depressed, than you are believing a lie about yourself or your situation. Don’t fall into that trap! You get the victory every time—you simply have to decide to let God define you.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:33:49 +0000

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