I had an experience yesterday that changed my life. It was a lot - TopicsExpress


I had an experience yesterday that changed my life. It was a lot like the one I had the day before and the day before that, etc. It changed my life because I now pay attention to the little things that bring great meaning of why Im here. I now promote belief because of what its done for me and what Ive seen it do for others. Belief comes at no cost to you and will gain you everything. If you can believe even when the possibilities seemed stacked against you you can knock down any wall put in front of you. There will never be an obstacle you cant overcome. Sometimes you have to hit that wall many times from many different angles but eventually belief will always win and that wall will fall. With belief you have to have confidence, faith and trust. Sometimes it seems people have more of all of these in us than we do in ourselves. Isnt it funny that it takes someone else to give us the belief in ourselves to make something happen when someplace inside us the belief has always been there but we just never found the way to unleash it? So today is about believing in yourself and others. Believing in the good of people and all they can accomplish if you show them by just believing all that they could accomplish themselves. That you by example and maybe not without out struggle and disappointment can eventually reach a goal that quite possibly could change their belief and life forever. That the one person you became an example to because they watched you work so hard and kept getting up when you were knocked down and saw you determined enough to succeed, never quitting because your weakest spirit was stronger than the biggest obstacle ever set in front of you has shown them that your success is not based on privilege or luck but 100% on belief in yourself and the will to never quit. With your health and everything else for that matter, tell yourself today quitting is not an option. No more excuses are going to heard in your own head and belief in yourself from this day forward is going to be cultivated and grown. Take the steps to make belief in yourself your strongest attribute and all is possible. It may never be easy but it will always be worth it and always remember....youre never failing if youre always trying. Believe To See #believetosee #realizelife #health #fitness #happiness #succeed #challngehealthandfitness
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:22:48 +0000

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