I had been crying in the bathtub 3 nights in a row. It was 2011. - TopicsExpress


I had been crying in the bathtub 3 nights in a row. It was 2011. I had received a strong internal nudge that I was meant to expand my business model into offering live training events. I know that I’m an excellent teacher and knew I could be of service in this way. I had seen others in the coaching industry do it; now it was my turn. There was just one major glitch: regardless of how many years of teaching experience I had what I didn’t have was a clue about how to run a training event. So I hired a coach and an event management company. But because I hadn’t yet developed the strength and skill of really stepping up to ask as many questions as possible to learn what I didn’t know, that support could only go so far. That’s how I found myself stuffed into a sparkly dress, powerpoint shoved in my hand and thrown up onto a stage. (If it walks like a duck then it quacks like a duck.) Yikes. I can literally remember looking out into the blaring lights as I teetered on too-high heels and thinking, how the heck did I get here? And what am I doing here? And can anyone help me breathe in this dress? And that’s how I ended up crying in the bathtub for 3 nights in a row with way more make-up then I would ever usually wear smearing down my face. (Just lookin’ to give you the full pretty picture here.) See, because not only had I not yet developed the strength and skill of really stepping up to ask as many questions as possible, but this was also before I had come to fully understand that I was a highly sensitive entrepreneur™ and before I had developed the belief that I can do it my way and still succeed. Actually, even succeed greatly. But I couldn’t have developed these new strengths, skills, and success if I hadn’t been willing to “press send.” Because here’s the thing, one massive mistake I see highly sensitive entrepreneurs™ make is waiting until everything is “perfect” before taking action. I’m sure you can tell how that story ends (maybe because it rings a bell?). Well, the truth is that the story DOESN’T end because perfectionism is never realized, action is never taken and the spinning just never stops. The whole process is pretty much torture, but I understand the allure. The promise land of “if I can just get it right then I can protect myself from any criticism” constantly hovers on the horizon. Some day … If you’re an HSE™ then this temptation is, well, very tempting. Most likely you have some moment in your history when you were criticized for being “different” and you’re coded to hold onto that moment longer than anyone who’s a non-HSE™. Also, you have a tendency to be very detail oriented and, I get it, there’s always one more detail to give attention to, right? But the truth is the only way you can ever really evolve in your business and your life is to be willing to know when to just go for it and “hit send” (your HSE™ strength of intuition can really support you here, by the way, when you learn how to use it for this purpose) because the best way to grow is to get out there, have an experience, learn from it and then do it again, but better next time. Now, I’d like to say a few things on my behalf: 1. Even with all of the “non-me-ness” of that training event it was still of high service and I have clients who came to that event and are still with me today. (NOT eternally ostracized and destroyed! Yay!) 2. That experience not only served my own evolution, but the evolution of my client’s and community members; I am able to save them some of the pain and agony that I went through. They can learn from my miss-takes. (NOT a complete waist of time, money and resources! Fabulous!) 3. I love who I’ve emerged into as an in-person trainer and I love the transformation I see happen in front of me at my Training Retreats (notice I’ve dropped the word “event”) and I love, love, love the gratitude I receive from attendees. I actually still receive feedback about breakthroughs that occurred at that very first event. (NOT forever banned from living my life purpose! Awesome.) So, if youd like to see for yourself how far I’ve evolved and youd like to personally benefit from the misses I’ve made and learn how to shift your HSE™ shadow side into strengths, then please join me for A Course In Business Miracles 3-Day Training Retreat. You can join us by clicking here: acourseinbusinessmiracles (and you’ll even see in the video actual people saying actual things about how much value they actually receive from training with me). I should tell you though that we literally only have 3 seats left and then we will be SOLD OUT. (See, it does all work out!) “Press send” and join us right away. Love and Blessings! Heather P.S. If you’re waiting for things to be in a “perfect place” before you give yourself permission to join us, you’ll be waiting a long time. If I can step forward you can too: acourseinbusinessmiracles
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:52:04 +0000

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